America Claims an Empire (Imperialism) Chapter 10
Imperialism and America Section 1
Imperialism The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories
Why take over weaker nations? European nations had been competing for colonies in Africa and Asia for centuries For Americans, this type of expansion was a natural outgrowth of manifest destiny
3 factors driving American imperialism: Desire for military strength Alfred T. Mahan – urged building up our navy New markets Industrialization allowed America to produce more food and products than Americans could consume We needed more raw materials and more markets (people to buy our stuff) Cultural superiority Some believed we had a moral duty to spread our “superior” Anglo-Saxon Christian culture to others
Examples of early American imperialism: Alaska Secretary of State William Seward wanted to buy Alaska back in 1867 Many called it “Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox” - thought it was a bad idea Congress allowed the purchase from Russia for $7.2 million Became a state in 1959 – rich in natural resources
Examples of early American imperialism: Hawaii - Put events in appropriate chronological order
How did we acquire Hawaii? Mid-1800s – U.S. citizens owned many sugar plantations on the Hawaiian Islands 1870s – native Hawaiians only 1/3 of the population of Hawaii 1875 – Hawaii signs treaty with U.S. – we will allow sugar to be imported without a duty
1887 – King Kalakaua convinced to give voting rights only to white landowners Treaty was signed allowing construction of a naval base at Pearl Harbor 1890 – McKinley Tariff eliminated duty-free status of Hawaiian sugar
1891 – King Kalakaua dies and his sister Liliuokalani becomes Queen She wants to give power back to the Hawaiians U.S. businessmen organize a revolution to overthrow her
1893 – U.S. Marines go to Hawaii to “protect” American lives and property Sanford Dole is established as president after the Queen is overthrown He asks Washington to annex Hawaii Pres. Cleveland wants the Queen returned to power Dole refuses so Cleveland won’t annex Hawaii
1898 – McKinley becomes president and he annexes Hawaii 1959 – Hawaii becomes our 50th state
The Spanish-American War Section 2
Chronology of the Spanish-American-Cuban War 1825 Spain had lost most overseas possessions 1854 Discussion of the U.S. buying Cuba 1860 Democrats wanted to admit Cuba as a slave state
1868-1878 Cuba fought for independence from Spain 1884 U.S. abolishes tariff on Cuban sugar 1886 Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba 1894 high tariff on Cuban sugar destroyed their economy
1895 Jose Marti leads “Free Cuba” movement 1896 Spain sends Valeriano Weyler (“the butcher”) to Cuba to restore order 1897 McKinley takes office – tries to resolve crisis diplomatically
February, 1898 New York Journal publishes DeLome letter U.S.S. Maine explodes in Cuba April 9, 1898 Spain agrees to all U.S. demands April 11, 1898 McKinley gets Congress to declare war with Spain anyway American public wanted it – yellow journalism played a role
April 20, 1898 U.S. goes to war with Spain May 1, 1898 George Dewey leads U.S. navy into Philippines June 1898 American forces land in Cuba
July 1, 1898 Battle of San Juan Hill (Teddy Roosevelt leads the Rough Riders) July 17, 1898 Spain surrenders Cuba July 25, 1898 U.S. troops invade Puerto Rico
August 1, 1898 Spanish troops in Philippines surrender to Americans August 12, 1898 U.S. and Spain sign armistice December 10, 1898 U.S. and Spain sign Treaty of Paris February 6, 1899 U.S. Senate passes Treaty of Paris
Causes of the Spanish-American War American business owners urged U.S. intervention to protect American business interests in Cuba
Causes of the Spanish-American War Jose Marti Provoked U.S. intervention by deliberately destroying American-owned sugar mills and plantations
Causes of the Spanish-American War Valeriano Weyler Took harsh actions against the Cuban people, including forcibly removing them to camps, where thousands died
Causes of the Spanish-American War Yellow journalism Encouraged the American public to sympathize with Cuban rebels and the war
Causes of the Spanish-American War De Lome Letter Angered the American public because of its criticism of President McKinley
Causes of the Spanish-American War U.S.S. Maine Led to widespread support for the war; led McKinley to ask Congress to declare war
Effects of the Spanish-American War Cuba Achieved independence from Spain
Effects of the Spanish-American War Puerto Rico Went from Spanish to American rule
Effects of the Spanish-American War Guam Went from Spanish to American rule
Effects of the Spanish-American War Philippine Islands Sold by Spain to U.S., annexed by U.S.
Provisions of the Treaty of Paris Cuba got its independence from Spain Spain gave Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. U.S. would pay Spain $20 million for the Philippines
Acquiring New Lands Section 3
U.S. relationship with Puerto Rico After Spanish-American War, some wanted self-government while others wanted to become a state of the U.S. 1900 – Foraker Act – ended U.S. military rule and set up civil government 1917 – given U.S. citizenship 1952 – given commonwealth status – this means they can move freely to U.S., are subject to the military draft, but can’t vote in presidential elections
U.S. relationship with Cuba Teller Amendment and Treaty of Paris had guaranteed independence But, American soldiers occupied the country after war ended American military improved lives of the people U.S. insisted Platt Amendment be added to their Constitution creating a “protectorate” relationship for 31 years Today, Cuba not under any U.S. control - tense relationship
U.S. relationship with Philippines 1899 – revolt against American annexation led by Emilio Aguinaldo Took U.S. 3 years to put down the rebellion Became an independent republic on July 4, 1946
U.S. relationship with China China was weak and vulnerable to foreign influence U.S. Secretary of State John Hay issued Open Door notes – indicating that the U.S. would not allow other nations to shut U.S. out of China 1900 – Boxer Rebellion – Chinese revolting against foreign influence – thousands of Chinese killed Open Door Policy towards China became key to protecting our economic interests there
Controversy Over U.S. Imperialist Gains Supporters Pres. McKinley Big business Pres. T.Roosevelt Opponents William Jennings Bryan Grover Cleveland Andrew Carnegie Jane Addams Mark Twain Anti-Imperialist League
America as a World Power Section 4
Teddy Roosevelt’s Diplomacy Mediated a settlement in Russo-Japanese War – he won the Nobel Peace Prize for this Supported building of the Panama Canal (by supporting a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia) Added Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine – warned Europe to stay out of Latin America Roosevelt Corollary – U.S. would use force to protect our interests in Latin America “Speak softly and carry a big stick” diplomacy
Taft’s Diplomacy U.S. government guaranteed loans to foreign countries to support side we wanted to win in their disputes This was referred to as dollar diplomacy
Woodrow Wilson’s Diplomacy U.S. had a moral obligation to deny recognition to Latin American governments that were oppressive and undemocratic This was referred to as “missionary diplomacy” Led to U.S. intervention in Mexico
Mexican Revolution Ruled by Porfirio Diaz – military dictator, but we liked him because he protected the interests of American businessmen in Mexico 1911 – Francisco Madero led a revolt and overthrew Diaz – he promised Democratic reforms 1913 – Victoriano Huerta overthrew Madero and murdered him President Wilson refused to recognize government of Huerta
U. S. used incident at Tampico with U. S U.S. used incident at Tampico with U.S. sailors as an excuse to intervene in Mexico against Huerta’s gov’t Almost resulted in war – Huerta regime collapsed and Venustiano Carranza came to power Wilson agreed to remove troops and recognize the Carranza gov’t Mexican rebels Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata were not happy – killed Americans on border with Mexico
Wilson sent General John J Wilson sent General John J. Pershing into Mexico to chase Pancho Villa – for over a year Carranza ordered U.S. troops out of Mexico Added to the negative image of the U.S. amongst Latin American nations
Early 20th Century Foreign Policy Achievements of the U.S. Expanded access to foreign markets so our economy could continue to grow U.S. built a modern navy to protect interests around the world U.S. exercised international police power by dominating Latin America