Spain Builds an Empire
I. The Voyages of Columbus A. Columbus and the Taino 1. Christopher Columbus wanted to sail west to find a quicker route to the Indies 2. He reached the Bahamas on October 12, 1492 with the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria 3. He called the people he met Indians, these islands became known as the West Indies B. The Columbian Exchange 1. Columbus led three other expeditions bringing settlers, supplies, and animals 2. Spain wanted to set up a colony that would profit them 3. The movement of people, supplies, plants, animals, diseases, and religious beliefs became known as the Columbian Exchange C. The Impact of Columbus 1. Columbus shows Europeans the way to the Americas 2. The Americas get their name from Amerigo Vespucci 3. By the early 1600’s explorers and settlers from Portugal, Spain, England, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands had come to the Americas
II. Different Worlds Collide A. The Aztecs are Conquered 1. Hernando Cortés arrived in Mexico with a group of conquistadors 2. In 1519 he meets Moctezuma and stays in the city of Tenochtitlan 3. In 1520 the Aztecs rose up against the Spanish and Moctezuma was killed 4. By 1521 the Spanish had defeated the mighty Aztec Empire B. Founding New Spain 1. After capturing Tenochtitlan Spain set up the colony of New Spain in The capital was Mexico City and many colonists began arriving C. The Conquests Continue 1. Francisco Pizarro defeated the Incan Empire in They capture Cuzco in 1535 and rename it Peru
III. Life in New Spain A. The search for Gold 1. Coronado and de Vaca explore the southwest looking for gold 2. DeSoto explored the southeast looking for gold and was the first European to reach the Mississippi 3. Ponce de Léon explored Florida and looked for the Fountain of Youth B. Society in New Spain 1. Social order was based on wealth, place of birth, and ancestry a. Peninsulares-Spaniards born in Spain b. Creoles—Spaniards born in the Americas c. Mestizo—Person with Indian and Spanish ancestors d. Indians (no Spanish ancestors) and Africans were the lowest 2. Most wealthy people were plantation owners, merchants, or shopkeepers C. More Changes for Native Peoples 1. The native peoples were forced into slavery and Americas D. Slavery in the Americas 1. Spain begins bringing captured Africans to Hispanola in 1512 to replace enslaved native peoples who had died 2. This helps Spain become a wealthy and powerful country