May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all
Calling Ways to receive Grace---- Ways to be blessed
General calling Specific calling
If you have committed your life to Jesus we are all Godward Relating To Him in love Loving God with all your heart, with all of your soul and with all your mind Called to Worship Thanksgiving praise testify Called to be Holy clean hands and hearts attitudes
If you have committed your life to Jesus we are all Outward Relating To Others Love your neighbour as yourself Called to Reproduce Share good news make disciples Called to Pray be part of a spiritual battle Called To Suffer
Ways to receive grace Ways to receive blessing Worship Prayer and fasting Communion / breaking bread Baptism Marriage Committing to a church Being anointed with oil 1Giving forgiveness (MATTH 6v 14) Obeying God’s directions Proverbs 3 (10 blessings ) Giving to God Malachi 3 v Corinthians 9 v 6- 14
Responding to the Lord Receiving the fire of the Holy Spirit Listening To His Call for all disciples Change Repent Listening for any specific instructions