FHA AT Rose Bay
By: Rebecca Paschke Veronica Foley period 2
FHA FHA- Future Homemakers of America to promote personal growth and leadership development through Home Economics Education.
Mrs. Brown Mrs. Brown is the child development teacher at Mainland who is the sponsor of FHA. She has been involved in the Rose Bay project for two years.
Interview with Mrs. Brown Mrs. Brown puts 36 hrs. a month into Rose Bay She decided to be a part of Rose Bay to make students see how important environmental protection is to society.
Interview with Liz Fox Liz Fox has been in FHA for 3 years. Her first two years she was a historian, but this she is chairman of Rose Bay. Liz likes going to Rose Bay because she likes to work with kids and teach them about the environment.
Child Development and Rose Bay Child development plays the role of identifying the components of habitat that are essential for Rose Bay wildlife to survive. To compare the difference of animal life to human life. To teach elementary students about ecosystems.
Mr. Mack Mr. Mack is the fourth grade teacher at Hurst Elementary who frequently visits Rose Bay with his students.
Mr. Mack to be added
“Kids Day” at Rose Bay FHA helped organize “kids day” at Rose Bay with the fourth and fifth grade students from Hurst Elementary to help them understand the Web Of Life.
Liz and Robby from FHA are presenting a poster of the Web Of Life.
Web Of Life Web Of Life is how nature effects the food chain.
Web Site
Future of Rose Bay Mrs. Brown hopes to finish the Rose Bay timeline on estuaries regarding pollution, making safety signs for the park, pollution waterway from sewage and to observe float patterns from canoes.
Source List Interview with Mrs. Brown(FHA sponsor) Interview with Liz Fox(Rose Bay Chairman) to Mr. Mack(Teacher from Hurst Elementary)