Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Development
I. Erik Erikson A. A student of Sigmund Freud (had pictures of Freud’s kid in his wallet). B. Modernized Freud’s Theory. 1. Freud- by the time you are 6 or 7, tour personal growth is essentially over. 2. Erikson- expanded the ideas of stages of development into a broader framework, called the life cycle. a.Each stage of this period has a positive and a negative dimension (this helped balance and clarify Freudian theory). b.Although Erikson viewed childhood as especially significant, he saw development continuing throughout one’s entire lifetime.
II. Psychosocial Development A. Epigenetic Principle- personality itself goes through structural elaborations in accord with a ground plan (i.e. development is not random, but proceeds according to the outline). 1. Ground plan- merely a map of potential; it is not automatic development. 2. Environment factors (e.g. social feedback) play an important role in development. B. The stages of development are consequential-one must come before the next, or else…..
STAGES StageAge Infancy0-1 Early childhood2-3 Play Age4-5 School age6-11 Adolescence12-20 Young adult21-35 Middle age36-65 Old age 65+ Crisis Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generatively vs. Self-Absorption Integrity vs. Despair Resolution Hope Will Purpose Competence Fidelity