What is classroom climate ? Classroom climate as athmosphere in the class created by teacher. teachers and pupils emotions Attitude physical environment teachers and pupils relationship school climate.
School Climate and Classroom Climate school climate is so important for administrators teacher and Pupils Support each other in a warm class
As you can see she is supporting them and playing with them like their mother or sister
SOCIAL Pupils have opportunities to work together
PHYSICAL Pupils can interact with and see each other
INTELLECTUAL The lesson develops pupils’ disciplinary knowledge, skills and attitudes
EMOTIONAL Pupils are allowed to make low-risk misatakes
Creating a Pleasant Classroom Environment CLASSROOM RELATİONSHİPS Clasroom relationships is the between teachers and pupils.
Duties of Teacher Should enjoy her/his teaaching Set a good seating arrangment Create a good atmosphere Should call them with their name Avoid to physical punishments
Duties of Students Should come to class in time Should be respectful with friends and teacher
Shouldn’t interrupt to class Should be care homework and teamwork
What should teacher does on the first day of class? Come to class 1 st day plan Meet with pupils one by one Ask pupils their names while meeting Teacher should have pupil’s name with picture Teacher should remember pupil’s name Teacher should try to learn her pupils behavior in the first look
The physical environment The class should be warm Cover the walls of classroom with positive messages
School and classroom should be clean During in the class, classroom should be quiet
Some researches shows us if the number of pupil is low the class is more successful, warm and disciplined
Three types of Classroom Climates In 1996 Borich created this idea. 1)Competitive 2)Cooperative 3)İndividualistic
In a Competitive Classroom Competition raise the successful in the class Pupils feel themselves in the race They play lots of games about the study and everybody want to win They develop their self-confidence
In a Cooperative Classroom Every pupils has different ideas and teacher combine all ideas. They do lots of group works and motivate each other Teacher should do fair groups if she cant do it she can lose the control
In an Individualistic Classroom Pupils study alone and teacher control all students one by one The aim of this type teacher watch pupil attitude and behavior Teacher should be fair and shouldn’t show the result to pupils
Teacher Expectations so important for pupils positive expectations encourage to pupils negative expactations can decrease pupils success
Teacher act different but fair to all pupils every pupil has different talent and understanding skill
QUIZ TIME In an individualistic classroom pupils do lots of group works T/F F
Teacher can be late to class T/F F
Teacher expectations should be fair to all pupils T/F T
In a Cooperative classroom pupils support each other T/F T
In a Competitive classroom students study with each other T/F F
Teacher should be angry and rough T/F T