9-11 ES3D Data gathered from a variety of methods have shown that Earth has gone through a number of periods when Earth was much warmer and much colder than today. After this week we will be able to: Describe factors that change climates over long periods of time and cite methods that scientists have found to gather information on ancient climates
Our climates have changed many times in the past. The study of the climate history on Earth is called paleoclimatology. Scientists and researchers use what is called a climate proxy to help them understand the past without actually being there. Climate proxies are preserved items from the past such as ice cores, tree rings, corals, and sediment from lakes and oceans.
Question: What animals do you think lived during the last ice age in Washington?
Look at the picture of the Washington animals that lived during the last ice age. List 3 life forms that you might recognize or have heard of before. List 3 life forms that you have never heard of before. Describe what you think Washington’s land looked like during the ice age.