Back office integration for better E-government services Crossroads Bank for Social Security Frank Robben General manager Crossroads Bank for Social Security Sint-Pieterssteenweg 375 B-1040 Brussels
2 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 What is E-government ? n E-government is a continuous optimization of service delivery and governance by transforming internal and external relationships through technology, internet and new media n external relationships -government to citizen -government to business user of public services provider of services n internal relationships -government to government -government to employees
3 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 E-government: a structural reform process n technology is only a means n E-government requires -change of mindsets: from government centric to customer centric -re-engineering of processes -re-organization of public services -changes of legal environment -cooperation between several government levels: one virtual electronic government
4 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Customer centric n delivery of services based on the logic of the customer -life events (birth, marriage, etc.) -life styles (sport, culture, etc.) -life status (unemployed, retired, etc.) n p-channels and e-channels must co-exist n multi device access (PC, TV, WAP GSM, PDA, …) n integrated services -information -interaction -transaction
5 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Customer centric n critical reflection on principles of data collection and creation of new added value -readable and understandable text -analysis of the requirement of data collection -harmonization of basic concepts -first data verification, then data collection -default values based on previously entered data -on-line help -simulation environments
6 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Levels of service maturity of E-government Level 1 Information Government agencies publish information on the web Level 2 Interaction Users can communicate electronically with single government agencies, but agencies don’t necessarily communicate electronically with the user Level 3 Transaction User can communicate electronically with single government agencies, and applications of the agencies respond electronically to the user Level 4 Integration Cross-agency information and transactions are available via intention based portals Back offices are integrated and business processes are re-engineered Complexity / Costs Constituency Value
7 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Back office integration is the key n in most countries, a lot of public services are concerned by the delivery of services to the citizens and the companies n a lot of information is needed by several public services, e.g. -identification data -data concerning the professional and social status -periodical data related to working periods -periodical data related to income -data concerning certain events, e.g. the start of a company, the occurence of a social risk,...
8 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Back office integration is the key n lack of back office integration leads to -overloading of the users multiple collection of the same information by several public authorities no reuse of available information -waste of efficiency and time within the public services -suboptimal support of the policy -higher possibilities of fraud
9 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Back office integration: basic principles n decentralised but unique data collection n decentralised and distributed data management -functional task-sharing between public services -principle of the authentic source n electronic information exchange and work flow -every public service can be supplier or applicant of data -information exchange can be initiated by the public service that needs the information by the public service that disposes of new information by the instution that manages the network for electronic information exchange -application to application (no manual intervention) n unique identification key for each entity
10 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Back office integration: basic principles n global coordination -common architecture -common open standards -common horizontal services messaging and transaction services security services portal services content management services -normalisation of information -stimulation -project management
11 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Back office integration: basic principles n control mechanisms by an independent third party (cf information is often sensible) -preventive access control -preventive control on the legitimacy of the exchange -loggings n legal framework -organization of the back office integration -harmonization of basic concepts
12 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 Useful tools n electronic identity and authentication card for every entity, containing the unique identification key n reference directory -structure: directory of persons: which persons in which capacities have personal files in which social security institutions for which periods data availability table: which data are available in which social security institutions for which types of files access authorization table: which data may be transmitted to which institutions for which types of files -3 functions: access control routing of information automatic transmission of information
Defense Sector Social Security Employ- ment Finance Foreign Affairs Interior Agri- culture Economic affairs Public health Justice Crossroads Bank Referencemodel for distributed data management as used in the Crossroads bank of social Security Foreign institutions Local authorities Region Sector Region
14 Crossroads Bank for Social Security 30/11/2001 The ongoing benchmark-operations n benchmarking can be a powerful tool to achieve improvement in public services n used inappropriately, benchmarking can lead to a situation in which E-government strategic objectives and plans are not drawn up in response to a clearly defined constituency service, but according to a biased conception of the political rewards inherent in following the same path as other countries n as the essence of E-government is optimization of service delivery, effective benchmarking may not be limited to the front offices, but should measure the overall quality of service and include back office integration
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