Personalised Learning NOCN Level 2
Induction Welcome and introductions Completion of enrolment forms Qualification Initial assessment Personalised learning RARPA Use of ILT
Rationale Ofsted report Contributes to RARPA Encourages effective learning Uses ILT Contributes to CPD
Scheme of Work Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Induction Modules Use of ILT Design a Learning Area Focussed assessment Formal and informal learning Target setting and tracking (SMART) Effective learning Intervention Learner grouping The learning environment Supporting learners Curriculum organisation
The Qualification Units UNIT 1: Understanding Personalised Learning –Theory –Planning –Strategies
UNIT 2: Applying Personalised Learning to Professional Practice –Learner profiling –Evaluating teaching aids –Supporting learners –Learner opinion
UNIT 3: Using ILT in Personalised Learning –Understanding ILT –Plan and develop –VLE –Reflection
Assignments A1: Using the self assessment tool provided examine your current approach to personalised learning. You MUST include assessment of your use of ILT, approaches to intervention, the learning environment, supporting learners and learner grouping A2: discuss your completed self assessment with your peers (using the learner platform created in A6) and then develop an action plan that accurately demonstrates your future plans for using personalised learning (this assignment must include actions from assignments A1; A3; A4; A6)
A3: complete a learner profile for a class. Use this profile, along with initial assessment to set individual goals for each learner. Review progress with learners A4: critically review your lesson plans and scheme of work in terms of the effectiveness of your teaching and learning approaches and the benefits to learners. Identify improvements that need to be made in order to make the course more personalised to learning (this must also feed in to your action plan in assignment A2). You must also include information on embedding equality and diversity (1,000 words)
A5: Create an online research tool and gain opinions from learners on curriculum design. Evaluate and report on the results A6: Using a virtual learning environment or similar platform, create a learning area to aid learning and communication between tutors and learners. Evaluate the effectiveness of the learning platform (1,000 words)
At the end of the course you will have produced: A self assessment An action plan A learner profile with a progress review A critical review An online research tool A VLE platform with review YouTube - RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms
What is Personalised Learning?
Mentoring strategies Peer and self assessment Business partnerships Coordinated services Learning in a community context Setting personal targets Learner choice for study and learning Models and materials for catch-up and extensions Improved transition and transfer Effective use of data to plan learning Clear behaviour and attendance policies Lessons in learning ICT across curriculum Network collaborations Effective feedback to the learner Flexibility leading to relevant qualification for all Buildings facilitate personalised learning Wider teaching repertoire Workforce organised appropriately Creating time for tailored curriculum Interactive, inclusive teaching programmes Learner involvement Pedagogy Leadership and management focus on teaching and learning
Personalised Learning Strategies What personalised learning strategies do you already embed? A1: Using the self assessment tool provided examine your current approach to personalised learning What more can you do? A2: Discuss your completed self assessment plan with your peers and develop an action plan that accurately demonstrates your future plans for using personalised learning
RARPA What does RARPA mean? How does this link with personalised learning?
RARPAPersonalised Learning Aims- appropriate to the learner and group Initial assessment Challenging learning objectives Formative assessment Summative assessment Assessment for learning Learner involvement Curriculum organisation Effective feedback to learner Target tracking Intervention Focused assessment Effective feedback to learner Target setting High quality teaching and learning
Use if ILT How do you currently use ILT to aid personalised learning? A1: Using the self assessment tool provided examine your current approach to personalised learning
The VLE Gateshead VLE A6: Using a virtual learning environment or similar platform, create a learning area to aid learning and communication between tutors and learners. Evaluate the effectiveness of the learning platform (1,000 words)