A free source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment
Like an Angel and Blackboard A way to keep students updated Unlike Google Sites or FoxBright A classroom drop box is
We are all potential teachers as well as learners. We learn well by creating and expressing for others. We learn a lot by watching others. Understanding others transforms us. We learn well when the learning environment is flexible and adaptable to suit our needs.
communicate evaluate store collaborate
web pagesfiles linksdatabase folders
Store any documents, files, audio, or images Save time with direct one-click to website Build a searchable Index of files Build up folders, name, and organize Make your page, embed, hyperlink, and insert images
Quizzes Assignments Gradebook Surveys
Check and build understanding with multiple choice, true/false, and short answer Have all grades in one place Use created surveys to check of ways constructivist learning Write and submit online, upload files and grade
Messaging RSS Chat room Forums
Send and receive instant messages and s Subscribe to blogs, wikis, and forums Have instant communication Run class discussions
BlogsWikisLessons Social Networks
Students can reflect, publish, and key tags Brainstorm, design, contribute, and build collectively Present information and learning objectives Find, share, and connect with people of similar interest
Google Apps Game Polls Widgets Podcast Learning Plans
As an administrator, you can create, view, and edit anything As a teacher, you can create, view, and edit anything in your course As a guest, they can only view sections they are allowed to As a student, you can do, view, and edit in the course enrolled in
Registered sites 67,91767,917 Countries Courses 5,546,431 Users 54,154,679 Teachers 1,284,714 Resources 48,825,932
software for anyone to download,use and share worldwide to help teach, collaborate, communicate, and develop new ideas. is a