Financial Moment February 2014
Requested 2013 Approved 2014 Requested 2014 Approved Reduction ‘13 vs. ‘14 General Fund Advertised 9,401,4048,643,0909,327,183 9,181,4858,869, , ,226 Debt Service2,361,9192,392,1273,047,4732,996,5633,014,0122,990, ,652-6,203 Retirement Debt 128,375130,549132, , ,488 Capital Projects Advertised 2,082,6282,347,9622,393,4401,251,7732,271,4001,753, ,741501,886 Transportation Advertised 1,415,4181,469,0381,367,6761,283,0171,370,4501,297, ,75214,681 Bus Replacement Advertised 250,00080,000253,000168,93395,00048, , ,601 Advertised Rates Approved Rate Total Advertised Budget 15,639,74415,062,76616,521,03716,061,124 Total Approved Budget (Feb) 13,757,45213,711,823 15,159,73415,088, ,341-70,951
HB 1001 o Formulation of a new county committee (no school representation) to decide if the tax is eliminated o No replacement for lost revenue o Would decrease assessed valuation for school districts resulting in decreased revenue o Testifying against: IASBO, ISTA, Association of Counties, and the mayor of Terre Haute. SB 1 o No replacement for lost revenue o Less aggressive, but has the same issues as HB 1001 o Will continue to come up with each session, same result
Assessed Value Total Assessed Value Business Personal Property Only % of AV from Business Personal Property Only 2013 Pay 2014$464,144,370$17,965, % Budget 2014RateAV BPPOLevy Debt0.5524$17,965,879$99, Capital Projects0.2352$17,965,879$42, Transportation0.2461$17,965,879$44, Bus Replacement0.0099$17,965,879$1, $187,491.91
Fiscal impacts of either bill have not been fully studied Estimated that this could result in a loss of over $1 billion annually This could increase circuit breaker losses (which have been $800 million) by an additional $375 million. The issue is that this erodes revenue without guaranteeing replacement revenue and will shift the burden to the local homeowners through higher taxes There has already been a loss of revenue reaching half a billion to schools since 2009
February 2014
Check our PTSC weekly update to read about the amazing things happening each week in PTSC!
ISTEP+ Applied Skills: March 3, 2014 March 21, 2014 ISTEP+ Multiple-Choice – Online April 28, 2014 May 9, 2014 CoreLink – Online May 5, 2014 May 16, 2014 (new assessment)
States required to assess college and career readiness standards by spring 2015 (Federal requirement) ELA and Math with technology enhanced items This is to prepare students and allow them to practice prior to the official test in the spring of 2015 Testing window is after the ISTEP+ assessments Results will be available in the fall of 2014
February 19 – March 12, 2014 Electronic public review of proposed standards—posted on the IDOE website Opportunity to comment Found here:
6 canceled days—2 approved waivers (January 6-7) Need to make up 4 instructional days April 21 (Flex Day) - Regular Day of School (Makeup day Jan. 8 th ) June 2 - Regular Day of School (Makeup day for Jan. 27 th ) June 3 - Regular Day of School (Makeup day for Jan. 28 th ) June 4 - Regular Day of School (Makeup day for Feb. 5 th )
The Indiana Department of Education is now providing school districts with guidance and flexibility for making up lost instructional time due to the extraordinary weather we have had this winter. These guidelines are only in effect through June 30, There are options for us to consider. We can: 1. Extend the school day one hour for the number of days we would need to make up the lost hours of instruction. (Elementary requires five hours per day and Middle/High School require six hours per day) 2. Virtual learning (students would access digital content through the internet or through content and learning targets distributed to students prior to the scheduled day). These days would be scheduled in addition to our regular calendar days and be instead of students coming to school buildings for make-up days.
The IDOE would ask for us to: Demonstrate access to the internet for students/teachers away from our buildings All of our teachers and students have access to, and experience using, online platforms for delivering learning All of our students will be informed of their learning targets for the day by 9:00 am. Teachers will be directly reachable from students and parents to facilitate and support instruction Student work will cover content that would have been addressed if school were in session All students who have accommodations for instruction will be provided with or have access to those accommodations For students with disabilities who do not use an online platform for learning or for whom an online platform is not appropriate, teachers will provide parents/caregivers with appropriate educational materials and learning activities for student use Students will demonstrate time on task and/or equivalent learning growth for the time
Developed a survey for teachers and a survey for parent with the help of staff members Deployed both surveys to collect data Will discuss data with APTEd to determine if we will make a recommendation different than our current plan at the board meeting next month Will provide a feedback summary of parent feedback in an upcoming PTSC Weekly Update