Developing Imaging Calorimeters for a SiD-Flavor Lepton Collider Jacob Smith Linear Collider Physics School Ambleside,England 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Imaging Calorimeters for a SiD-Flavor Lepton Collider Jacob Smith Linear Collider Physics School Ambleside,England 2009

Gas Electron Multiplier Resistive Plate Chamber 8/21/20092LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith

ILC HCAL Requirements Finely segmented readout on the order of 1 cm 2 laterally and longitudinally  50 x 10 6 Simple, cheap readout  front-end located on detector and highly multiplexing Technology able to operate in high magnetic fields Manageable (radius,cost) coil  thin active medium Active element and electronics perform reliably over lifetime of experiment yrs Estimated 5000m2 active area  cost effective medium 8/21/20093LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith

In The Test Beam Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Meson Test Beam Facility 120 GeV Secondary Pion Mode Single Layer GEM 8 Layer RPC 8/21/20094LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith

8/21/20095LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith

RPC Short Term Rate Capabilities Δt [ms] Efficiency % Counts 8/21/20096LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith B.Bilki et al., ‘Measurement of the Rate Capability of Resistive Plate Chambers’, ArXiV , submitted to JINST.

1 m ~30 cm 40+ total layers 400 k channels RPC 1 m 3 Test Beam 24 Each 64 pads 8/21/20097LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith

8/21/2009 Synergy of Analysis: 1m 3 CALICE daq CALICE binary Quick event building Final event building c++ ASCII data binary data Fortran analysis C++ analysis Test beam Run decision ‘Online analysis’ Event display Test beam Run decision binary data lcio Analysis ‘Offline analysis’ Conditions data lccd c++ marlin ASCII data Educational purposes only, Previousely presentat at CALICE TB Metting June 09 8

Future Plans 1.1m 3 and 3m 3 simulations 1.GEANT4/Mokka(?) 1.Construction of 1m 3 RPC – Write event builder, incorporate with CALICE sw – Cosmic Ray Test Stand (as layers/parts come) 2.Test Beam (shifts) 3.Data Analysis (offline analysis) 4.Write Papers (5+) 4.Calibration (muons, pions, multiplicity, efficiency), electron response, hadronic shower response (shower shape, response, longitudinal development) 5.Get PhD! 8/21/20099LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith