Developing Imaging Calorimeters for a SiD-Flavor Lepton Collider Jacob Smith Linear Collider Physics School Ambleside,England 2009
Gas Electron Multiplier Resistive Plate Chamber 8/21/20092LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith
ILC HCAL Requirements Finely segmented readout on the order of 1 cm 2 laterally and longitudinally 50 x 10 6 Simple, cheap readout front-end located on detector and highly multiplexing Technology able to operate in high magnetic fields Manageable (radius,cost) coil thin active medium Active element and electronics perform reliably over lifetime of experiment yrs Estimated 5000m2 active area cost effective medium 8/21/20093LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith
In The Test Beam Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Meson Test Beam Facility 120 GeV Secondary Pion Mode Single Layer GEM 8 Layer RPC 8/21/20094LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith
8/21/20095LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith
RPC Short Term Rate Capabilities Δt [ms] Efficiency % Counts 8/21/20096LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith B.Bilki et al., ‘Measurement of the Rate Capability of Resistive Plate Chambers’, ArXiV , submitted to JINST.
1 m ~30 cm 40+ total layers 400 k channels RPC 1 m 3 Test Beam 24 Each 64 pads 8/21/20097LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith
8/21/2009 Synergy of Analysis: 1m 3 CALICE daq CALICE binary Quick event building Final event building c++ ASCII data binary data Fortran analysis C++ analysis Test beam Run decision ‘Online analysis’ Event display Test beam Run decision binary data lcio Analysis ‘Offline analysis’ Conditions data lccd c++ marlin ASCII data Educational purposes only, Previousely presentat at CALICE TB Metting June 09 8
Future Plans 1.1m 3 and 3m 3 simulations 1.GEANT4/Mokka(?) 1.Construction of 1m 3 RPC – Write event builder, incorporate with CALICE sw – Cosmic Ray Test Stand (as layers/parts come) 2.Test Beam (shifts) 3.Data Analysis (offline analysis) 4.Write Papers (5+) 4.Calibration (muons, pions, multiplicity, efficiency), electron response, hadronic shower response (shower shape, response, longitudinal development) 5.Get PhD! 8/21/20099LCPS 2009, Jacob Smith