Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 1 IEEE Communications Society 2003 North American Regional Chapter Chairs’ Congress Globecom 2003 San Francisco November 30 – December 02, 2003 Pierre Perra COMSOC NA Director Robert C. Shapiro, P.E. Chairman, 2003 NA-RCCC Chairman, IEEE Dallas COMSOC and VT Societies Current COMSOC NA Distinguished Lecturer Tour Coordinator COMSOC Incoming NA Director
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 2 The theme of the 2003 NA - RCCC is: “Together We Can Make It Happen – “Together We Can Make It Happen – for the IEEE & the Communications Society”
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 3 Overview The goal of the 2003 NA – RCCC is to provide a networking opportunity for the NA COMSOC Chapters and to educate the same for the purpose of improving their programs and finances and to better establish the IEEE and the Communications Society in the local communities. We will:
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 4 Overview Meet with IEEE and Communications Society volunteers and staff to hear ways that we can work together to increase membership and awareness and achieve the overall goals of the IEEE and COMSOCMeet with IEEE and Communications Society volunteers and staff to hear ways that we can work together to increase membership and awareness and achieve the overall goals of the IEEE and COMSOC Hear testimonials from NA COMSOC chapters and to network and learn from each other on ways to improve the chapters from a grass roots approachHear testimonials from NA COMSOC chapters and to network and learn from each other on ways to improve the chapters from a grass roots approach Participate in a workshop to explore ways to enhance & improve the local programs, increase membership in the IEEE and COMSOC, retain sponsorships and enhance and improve the local balance sheets, and how to attract and retain volunteersParticipate in a workshop to explore ways to enhance & improve the local programs, increase membership in the IEEE and COMSOC, retain sponsorships and enhance and improve the local balance sheets, and how to attract and retain volunteers
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 5 Overview Your Participation and Ideas are Paramount to the Success of this Event!!!
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC NA - RCCC Organizing Committee COMSOC NA Director:Pierre Perra, 2003 NA-RCCC Chair: Bob Shapiro, Program:Sol Black, Local Arrangements:Weider Yu, Advisor:T. Scott Atkinson, COMSOC Staff:Carole Swaim, Karla Hodges, Debora Kingston, Bruce Worthman,
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 7 Program & Schedule Highlights Sunday, November 30, 2003 Sunday, November 30, 2003 Delegate RegistrationDelegate Registration Welcome SessionWelcome Session Welcome ReceptionWelcome Reception DinnerDinner
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 8 Program & Schedule Highlights Monday, December 01, 2003 Monday, December 01, 2003 BreakfastBreakfast IEEE Staff Support SessionIEEE Staff Support Session COMSOC Staff and Volunteer Support SessionCOMSOC Staff and Volunteer Support Session Lunch With the COMSOC Director, Sister SocietiesLunch With the COMSOC Director, Sister Societies Session and Workshop on “Growing a Successful COMSOC Chapter”Session and Workshop on “Growing a Successful COMSOC Chapter” Globecom 2003 Welcome ReceptionGlobecom 2003 Welcome Reception
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 9 Program & Schedule Highlights Tuesday, December 02, 2003 Tuesday, December 02, 2003 BreakfastBreakfast Continue Workshop on “Growing a Successful COMSOC Chapter”Continue Workshop on “Growing a Successful COMSOC Chapter” Globecom 2003 Awards LuncheonGlobecom 2003 Awards Luncheon NA-RCCC Wrap-up SessionNA-RCCC Wrap-up Session
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 10 Please Look For the Presentations About Two Weeks after the NA - RCCC at:
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 11 Please Fill Out the Questionnaire and Give To Carole Swaim Before You Leave On Tuesday The Results will be Posted on the Web
Nov Dec. 02, 2003 IEEE COMSOC 2003 NA - RCCC 12 Thank You For Your Time, Energy and Service “Together We Can Make It Happen – “Together We Can Make It Happen – for the IEEE & the Communications Society”