Unsoundness and Blemishes in Horses By: Watson’s 5 th period 2006
Rain Rot Defined as a blemish Defined as a blemish Scabs or matted hair, that when pulled off show pink skin with some pus Scabs or matted hair, that when pulled off show pink skin with some pus All horses All horses Give them baths daily for 7 days Give them baths daily for 7 days Keep them dry with plenty of air Keep them dry with plenty of air Reference: Reference:
Rain Rot
Bog Spavin Bog Spavin is a blemish in which swelling of the Tibiostrial joint of the horses hock occurs. Bog Spavin is a blemish in which swelling of the Tibiostrial joint of the horses hock occurs. Symptoms? Swelling, Heat, and pain. Symptoms? Swelling, Heat, and pain. What horses is it most common in? Young Riding horses What horses is it most common in? Young Riding horses What should be done? Horse should be given added vitamins and minerals, and given anti-inflammatory drugs. What should be done? Horse should be given added vitamins and minerals, and given anti-inflammatory drugs. References- References-
Bog Spavin
Buck kneed Buck kneed is an unsoundness. Buck kneed is an unsoundness. Its symptoms are when a horse stands with its legs a little bent. Its symptoms are when a horse stands with its legs a little bent. It occurs in all horses. It occurs in all horses. You cannot fix this problem. You cannot fix this problem. ns/animals/EquineFacts/TNH6000.pdf ns/animals/EquineFacts/TNH6000.pdf ns/animals/EquineFacts/TNH6000.pdf ns/animals/EquineFacts/TNH6000.pdf
Information and References Calf-kneed is unsoundness meaning it stays. Calf-kneed is unsoundness meaning it stays. Some symptoms are: Some symptoms are: Inflammation of the hoof, usually affecting front feet Inflammation of the hoof, usually affecting front feet resistance to bridle, bracing through the poll, neck, and back. resistance to bridle, bracing through the poll, neck, and back. difficulty in training to the upper levels. difficulty in training to the upper levels. What Horses? What Horses? The Irish Draught Horse What should be done for these horse? What should be done for these horse? Should be trimmed at least 4 times. Should be trimmed at least 4 times.References:
Information and References Calf-kneed is unsoundness meaning it stays. Calf-kneed is unsoundness meaning it stays. Some symptoms are: Some symptoms are: Inflammation of the hoof, usually affecting front feet Inflammation of the hoof, usually affecting front feet resistance to bridle, bracing through the poll, neck, and back. resistance to bridle, bracing through the poll, neck, and back. difficulty in training to the upper levels. difficulty in training to the upper levels. What Horses? What Horses? The Irish Draught Horse What should be done for these horse? What should be done for these horse?
club foot Club foot is an unsoundness. Club foot is an unsoundness. You can tell by the flare is at the toe not on the sides. If it has an angle more than 60 degrees. If the horse is standing on a hard surface the heel on the club foot will be higher than the other foot. The club foot will be narrower then the other foot and the frog will be smaller. If the horse stands with the club foot forward and the other foot back while grazing. You can tell by the flare is at the toe not on the sides. If it has an angle more than 60 degrees. If the horse is standing on a hard surface the heel on the club foot will be higher than the other foot. The club foot will be narrower then the other foot and the frog will be smaller. If the horse stands with the club foot forward and the other foot back while grazing. The kind of disease is found in Arabs, Morgans, Quaterhorses, and on down the line. It is starting to show up in draft horses and in Belgians. The kind of disease is found in Arabs, Morgans, Quaterhorses, and on down the line. It is starting to show up in draft horses and in Belgians. 1. The traditional treatment has been to carefully keep shaving down the horse's heel to bring P3 into more normal alignment. The idea is that you keep gently removing heel, letting the weight of the horse slowly "stretch" the deep flexor tendon back to where it should be. 1. The traditional treatment has been to carefully keep shaving down the horse's heel to bring P3 into more normal alignment. The idea is that you keep gently removing heel, letting the weight of the horse slowly "stretch" the deep flexor tendon back to where it should be. 2. The new treatment is desotonomy of the inferior check ligament. You cut this ligament (which acts as the emergency brake to prevent the coffin/deep flexor from hyperextending), thus letting the deep flexor "relax" and take the pull off the coffin bone. 2. The new treatment is desotonomy of the inferior check ligament. You cut this ligament (which acts as the emergency brake to prevent the coffin/deep flexor from hyperextending), thus letting the deep flexor "relax" and take the pull off the coffin bone.
Cribbing Cribbing is a blemish Cribbing is a blemish Symptoms are boredom, stress and possibly stomach acidity Symptoms are boredom, stress and possibly stomach acidity It occurs in all horses It occurs in all horses There is not many things that can be done but you can get a cribbing collar There is not many things that can be done but you can get a cribbing collar Common horse problems at google Common horse problems at google
Fistulous Withers An Unsoundness, a deep-seated chronic inflammation of the withers of the horse that discharges bloody fluid through one or more openings and is probably associated with infection by bacteria of the genus Brucella An Unsoundness, a deep-seated chronic inflammation of the withers of the horse that discharges bloody fluid through one or more openings and is probably associated with infection by bacteria of the genus Brucella Caused by either infectious, parasitic, or physical factors. Caused by either infectious, parasitic, or physical factors. Some symptoms are open lesions, swelling and inflammation Some symptoms are open lesions, swelling and inflammation
Fistulous Withers
Founder UNSOUNDNES Symptoms: The signs of founder are easy to recognize: they are the result of both front feet being sore. The back feet may be involved too,but the front feet bear 50% more weight than the rear so they usually hurt more. With both feet being sore the horse's steps shorten and become slower making the horse or pony look stiff. At rest he will prop his front feet out in front of him while leaning back on his rear legs to help decrease the weight on the front. Frequently, he will shift weight back and forth from one front foot to the other. As the pain worsens he may start spending a lot of time laying down. Symptoms: The signs of founder are easy to recognize: they are the result of both front feet being sore. The back feet may be involved too,but the front feet bear 50% more weight than the rear so they usually hurt more. With both feet being sore the horse's steps shorten and become slower making the horse or pony look stiff. At rest he will prop his front feet out in front of him while leaning back on his rear legs to help decrease the weight on the front. Frequently, he will shift weight back and forth from one front foot to the other. As the pain worsens he may start spending a lot of time laying down. What horse: All horses can get founder What horse: All horses can get founder
TREATMENT TREATMENT 2.If veterinary help is not immediately available give bute (2 gm./1000 lbs twice daily) or aspirin. First Aid Acute founder is always an emergency requiring professional help to minimize permanent damage. First aid measures include: 1.Call the veterinarian. While waiting; attempt to get your horse to walk. This helps to increase circulation and relieve some of the pain. Walk him on very soft ground. If he refuses to walk with gentle encouragement do not force him, as this may do further damage. TREATMENT 2.If veterinary help is not immediately available give bute (2 gm./1000 lbs twice daily) or aspirin. First Aid Acute founder is always an emergency requiring professional help to minimize permanent damage. First aid measures include: 1.Call the veterinarian. While waiting; attempt to get your horse to walk. This helps to increase circulation and relieve some of the pain. Walk him on very soft ground. If he refuses to walk with gentle encouragement do not force him, as this may do further damage. Walking foundered horses has become controversial with some insisting that it does further damage. I have seen dozens of mild founders respond well to walking on soft ground. If the horse does not want to walk after gentle encouragement (a light whip), do not force him is a good rule of thumb. Walking foundered horses has become controversial with some insisting that it does further damage. I have seen dozens of mild founders respond well to walking on soft ground. If the horse does not want to walk after gentle encouragement (a light whip), do not force him is a good rule of thumb.
Founder Pictures
Monkey Mouth in Horses Monkey Mouth is a unsoundness in a horse. Monkey Mouth is a unsoundness in a horse. Monkey Mouth is when the horse has a under bite and when a horse has a over bite it is called Parrot Mouth Monkey Mouth is when the horse has a under bite and when a horse has a over bite it is called Parrot Mouth Monkey Mouth can occur in any breed of horse Monkey Mouth can occur in any breed of horse If a horse has monkey mouth it can’t be fixed If a horse has monkey mouth it can’t be fixed My references was (monkey mouth in horses) at google. My references was (monkey mouth in horses) at google.
Moon Blindness Symptoms-The most common are puffy, watering eyes, squinting, and red blood vessels at the sides of the eye and in the lids. Redness, swelling, pus, pupil constriction in the dark, cloudiness, and photophobia are some others. Symptoms-The most common are puffy, watering eyes, squinting, and red blood vessels at the sides of the eye and in the lids. Redness, swelling, pus, pupil constriction in the dark, cloudiness, and photophobia are some others. Moon blindness can occur in any horse breed, but it seems to be most common in Appaloosas. Moon blindness can occur in any horse breed, but it seems to be most common in Appaloosas. For short term treatment atropine can be used to dilate the eye and reduce discomfort due to spasm of the iris. Steroids (but they can sometimes worsen the condition and cause blindness), antibiotics, vitamins, and bee pollen can also be used. Long term management you want keep the inflammation from even starting and give it a daily or every other day dose of aspirin. For short term treatment atropine can be used to dilate the eye and reduce discomfort due to spasm of the iris. Steroids (but they can sometimes worsen the condition and cause blindness), antibiotics, vitamins, and bee pollen can also be used. Long term management you want keep the inflammation from even starting and give it a daily or every other day dose of aspirin. nt nt nt nt
Moon Blindness
Hernia Blemish Blemish Symptoms- displayed bubble Symptoms- displayed bubble The common hernia affecting the horse involves the herniation of the intestine and are inguinal, scrotal, or umbilical in location The common hernia affecting the horse involves the herniation of the intestine and are inguinal, scrotal, or umbilical in location What to do- take the horse to the vet have them look at it. They should push the hernia back in to stomach and sue the fiber mesh. There are some instances when the hernia must be removed as you are about to see in the pictures. What to do- take the horse to the vet have them look at it. They should push the hernia back in to stomach and sue the fiber mesh. There are some instances when the hernia must be removed as you are about to see in the pictures. Reference- Reference-
The Process
Poll Evil Poll Evil Poll evil is an acquired unsoundness resulting from a bruise or persistent irritation in the region of the poll. Poll evil is an acquired unsoundness resulting from a bruise or persistent irritation in the region of the poll. Early symptoms are swelling and that the animal may become "touchy" around the head and ears when being bridled. Severe inflammation, eruption and bad scars may result if the horse is neglected. Early symptoms are swelling and that the animal may become "touchy" around the head and ears when being bridled. Severe inflammation, eruption and bad scars may result if the horse is neglected. Its cause is Brucella abortus, the same organism that causes Bang's in cattle. Its cause is Brucella abortus, the same organism that causes Bang's in cattle. –Treatment Handled by veterinarian Establish proper drainage and removing all dead tissue. This unsoundness can happen in ay horse. This unsoundness can happen in ay horse. Reference was arizona.com/pages/articles/unsoundheadbody.html Reference was arizona.com/pages/articles/unsoundheadbody.html
Poll Evil Poll Evil
Quitting is a blemish Its a soft swelling in the deep flexor tendon. Common in overly worked young horses also road shock. It is common in all horses. Treatment use a leg wrap and ice packs. Let the horse rest and keep weight off its back. Reference “agriscience.msu”
Scars Scars may appear on any part of the body. Scars may appear on any part of the body. Scars on noticeable on horses because of the presence of white hairs. Scars on noticeable on horses because of the presence of white hairs. Working stock horses with scars are not discriminated against very much, but gaited and parade horses are seriously faulted. Working stock horses with scars are not discriminated against very much, but gaited and parade horses are seriously faulted. Treatment take it to the vet. Treatment take it to the vet.
This is a good example of how horses get scarred. This is a good example of how horses get scarred. Scars are blemishes. Scars are blemishes.
Scars First of all when your gets a scar try to determine how it got there. Then if it`s really bad take your horse to the vet and they should be able to give the animal healing cream for the scar.Scars usually don`t go away but medication can help reduce the appearance. First of all when your gets a scar try to determine how it got there. Then if it`s really bad take your horse to the vet and they should be able to give the animal healing cream for the scar.Scars usually don`t go away but medication can help reduce the appearance. I found my information at I found my information at arizonia.com/pages/articl es.unsoundfeetlegs.html arizonia.com/pages/articl es.unsoundfeetlegs.html and yahoo search arizonia.com/pages/articl es.unsoundfeetlegs.html