The FRAME Key Topic is about... So What? Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Classical China
The FRAME Key Topic is about... So What? Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Classical China Locating China on a map and identifying important contributions of the civilizations past Geography
C HINESE G EOGRAPHY Centered along the Huang He River Geography kept China very isolated
Flooding of the Huang He
C HINESE G EOGRAPHY The Silk Road allowed for trade between China and the rest of Europe and Asia
C HINESE G EOGRAPHY Invaders entered China from the North— The Mongols
M AP OF CHINA China Huang He River Pacific Ocean Silk Road
The FRAME Key Topic is about...Details Main Idea Centered along the Huang He River Geographically isolated The Silk Road allowed for trade b/w China and the west Invaders entered China from the North Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Classical China Locating China on a map and identifying important contributions of the civilizations past GeographyDynasties
C HINESE D YNASTIES China was ruled by families—known as dynasties The rulers were considered divine = holy Served under the Mandate of Heaven
The FRAME Key Topic is about...Details Main Idea Centered along the Huang He River Geographically isolated The Silk Road allowed for trade b/w China and the west Invaders entered China from the North Details Main Idea China was ruled by a succession of families—known as dynasties The rulers were considered divine (holy) Served under the Mandate of Heaven Details Main Idea Details Main Idea Classical China Locating China on a map and identifying important contributions of the civilizations past GeographyDynasties Great Wall of China
T HE GREAT WALL Built by emperor Qin Shi Huangdi Built for protection/ defense Protected against invaders from the North— The Mongols
Q IN D YNASTY Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi ‘ The Tiger of Qin ’ Built Great Wall of China ‘ Terra Cotta Army ’
T HE G REAT WALL —DO NOT WRITE IN Expanded over 4,000 miles across northern China Roanoke to Los Angeles- 2,392 miles Did not keep out invaders But did illustrate the power of Chinese government Wall became a symbol for the Chinese people Dividing and protecting the civilized from the savage and nomadic pA pA
The FRAME Key Topic is about...Details Main Idea Centered along the Huang He River Geographically isolated The Silk Road allowed for trade b/w China and the west Invaders entered China from the North Details Main Idea China was ruled by families—known as dynasties The rulers were considered divine (holy) Served under the Mandate of Heaven Details Main Idea Built by Qin Shi Huangdi Built for protection/ defense Protected against invaders from the North Details Main Idea Classical China Locating China on a map and identifying important contributions of the civilizations past GeographyDynasties Great Wall of China Contribution s
C HINESE C ONTRIBUTIONS Civil Service System —Government officials based on merit = ability
C IVIL S ERVICE E XAMINATION —DO NOT WRITE The Han instituted a Civil Service Exam for government positions Government officials win positions based on merit no family class or background To find the most qualified they set up a system of exams Exam based on the teachings of Confucius In theory anyone could take the exam Reality only wealthy males
C HINESE C ONTRIBUTIONS Silk Road —opened China to Europe and the Middle East
T HE S ILK R OAD —DO NOT WRITE The Silk Road was created under emperor Wudi Linked China to the west China exported large amounts of silk to the west Became prized possession in the west Outposts were created to relay trade Goods moved from stage to stage Distance was too great for singular travel
H AN D YNASTY Contributions Paper for writing Ships for sailing Compasses for astronomy Silk for clothing Porcelain for pottery
The FRAME Key Topic is about...Details Main Idea Centered along the Huang He River Geographically isolated The Silk Road allowed for trade b/w China and the west Invaders entered China from the North Details Main Idea China was ruled by a succession of families—known as dynasties The rulers were considered divine (holy) Served under the Mandate of Heaven Details Main Idea Built by Qin Shi Huangdi Built for protection/ defense Protected against migratory invaders from the North Details Main Idea Civil Service System– Govt. officials based on merit, not family Silk Road— opened China to Europe and the Middle East Paper Porcelain Ships Compass Silk Classical China Locating China on a map and identifying important contributions of the civilizations past GeographyDynasties Great Wall of China Contribution s