Streaming Participants: Download the documents for the session The documents are on the Math Professional Development Resources page on “The Math Corner” wiki rofessional_Development_Resources.html rofessional_Development_Resources.html Watch video the following to A one paragraph explaining how you can use mountain math in your class and how it will benefit your students If you need any help getting the materials please contact Carmen or your site administrator
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Mountain Math October 7, 2013
What is mountain math? Mountain Math and Mountain Language Kits are colorful, year-round, and reusable bulletin boards. They are a review program that supplement whatever program you are using. Mountain Math and Mountain Language, in and of themselves, are not a total program. They are to be used to aid in review and retention of previously taught concepts.
When do I use Mountain Math? Mountain math can be used as part of Every Day Math—it counts as part of the 90 minutes Should only be about minutes a day Can be used as a center Can do one or two problems as a morning message
Types of Mountain Math Bulletin board Smart board Workbooks Table Top
Centers Works well in multi-grade classroom Small group of students working together Reusable 34 page full color flip chart measures 19 inches wide and 13 inches high Cost $95.95
Bulletin Board
Bulletin board cont. Comes with pockets Once you complete a board just change the card and put it behind or flip it over Has numbers on the bottom so that you can see what number it goes to Color coded $95.95
Smart board/Computer
Smart board cont. One license per grade (you can share with other teachers if you have the password) Has the questions listed on there for them as well as the answers Has many different sets you can change at the top One year license $49.95
Workbooks One per student Cost is $10.00 per book Same thing as other options of mountain math
How are you currently using Mountain Math? Please share how you use mountain math in your class
Things to consider You do not and should not do the entire 24 problems in a setting Start off doing a few weeks with your students Use as a pre-test in the beginning then you can assess your students throughout the year to see their progress Have them do it with a partner, or pair two grades together an older student with a younger student
Assignment Take 6 minutes and jot down how you could incorporate this into your current setting Write down any questions you have If you currently use mountain math write down some of the positives you like about it Carmen will be calling on people random
Resources h_sheet.pdfhttp:// h_sheet.pdf -Q (video about mountain math from another teacher) -Q YfklI (Mountain math website) YfklI