H OW TO PUT BOOKS BACK First you find where you put the book and if you’re not sure you can ask a Librarian to check if you are right, like Leo the library mouse.
U SING THE COMPUTERS When you get on the computer you will need to log in. Then go into what ever you want!! There are 32 computers in this library and a Smartboard.
H OW TO FILL OUT THE P REMIER ’ S READING CHALLENGE First you read the book. Put your book number in the first column, then put the title of the book in the second column. After you put the author of the book in the third column also put the date that you read the book in the fourth. You are finished when you have finished reading 30 books, then you can get a lolly and a Certificate at assembly.
P ILLOWS AND BEAN BAGS This library provides pillows and bean bags to sit on when you read a book or when the Librarian reads a book to the class. They come in different colours and patterns.
N EW BOOK STAND In the library there is a New Book Stand near the entrance to the library. That’s where all the new books are displayed. You can borrow books from this shelf.
L IBRARIAN There are two librarians in Terrey Hills Public School library - there names are Mrs Crawford and Mrs Argent. They are very nice.
H OW TO USE THE SMART BOARD This library has a Smartboard for classes and teachers. You can go on it and do work if the librarians let you.