TIP Grant Project Jodi Abel Grade 4/5 Souris School “ It zooms. It helps. It shows.”
Mrs. Abel modelsWe do
Great for demonstrations Students can also model what they chose to test
“I can focus when I can see what is being talked about.” A visual reminder, not just a verbal explanation
Start with a model then student can explain further Call attention to detail
“Nokum is My Teacher” They could see words in Cree but listen in English. “Terry Fox” Allowed them to see pictures of what was being read.
Miras are almost impossible to model without a doc cam Can see details easily as a class “ You can put anything under it.”
Mrs. Abel gave a horrible example to practice as a class Students modeled editing parts of their letters while peers gave feedback
Actual models vs. Similar models Guest speakers used it too. “ We use it in every class. Other classes should too.”
Not just the end resultHow do I do that?
Students always give stars based on the co-constructed criteria Only the teacher gets to say a wish, unless the model says it is okay
Diagram of an EarIs my diagram complete?
Talk about what is good. How could we make this even better? Check your own over too.
Checking against criteria Makes us remember what else we might want to add in
Model recording questions and key words Students share work and compare with key words, then edit to improve
“ It shows strategies kids used.”
Very typical of earlier explanations Now
Learning to highlight key points Sharing what they learned from the lesson
Character descriptions for Role Play Please note that I am only “sometimes mean but not that much”
From simpleTo venturing out
Not everyone thinks like the teacher Kids know kids best
I show my friends and I explain better than what I put down. I can make mine better. My friends know how to make theirs better too.
Kids modelKids teach each other “ If you get a question wrong or you get stuck, others can do it with you.”
What makes their work so good? They want to do that too! “ It shows me how I can improve my work. For next time too.”
Epson $ Smart Cam $845 ( new model price, we tested an old model)
Green light means on. Zoom to the size you want. Then hit Focus. The lens has a mic for video. “ It is so easy, every one should get one so they improve in their work and get better at school.”
2 second fix Click refresh and choose Epson, not webcam. Every student can fix it!
EpsonSmart Cam Sharper imageGood Image Automatic lightLight can be turned on/off separate Remote- never used Zoom is closer and clearerHas zoom Capture picturesCaptures pictures, as well as pictures with ink Captures video New models capture audio and video as well, ours did not Autofocus button Can use with smart board pensUse with all Smartboard tools Requires help desk install on computerPlug and play on all division computers Larger projection area Limited projection area ( still appropriate for classroom use) Flip between 2 screens quickly for comparison to co-constructed criteria Pins 2 screens at once for comparing to co- constructed criteria Camera must be turned on before opening software or reverts to webcam - a 2 second fix every student and teacher can do Needs smartbook software to run and the camera window open. Posted the smartbook cam page in Assignments out so students can access with substitute Costs $522Costs $845
Document Camera = BIG learning and happy kids
Caroline Gillies- IT Consultant Delise Pitman- Curriculum Consultant