SPS Dump relocation Radioactive Dump storage alternatives JL GRENARD EN-HE
Doses taken during the TIDVG replacement by transport team Removal and reinstallation of the DUMP at BA removal of the dump from the beam line + transfer to the bottom of BA transfert of the dump with the mobile crane on surface to a truck -> 954 storage- > reinstallation of ''new'' dump on LSS1+ Surface Truck driver 13 Surface Crane driver 5 Handler 88 Handler Handler Handler Maintenance technician good lift 1 Handler Handler µSv Transport in the tunnel35µSv Cranage and transport on surface252µSv Total linked to ''transport'' activities287µSv Total x2x31722µSv Expected collective dose for transport team without optimization in case of a direct removal of the dump from ECX5 -> radioactive storage
Transfer from the tunnel to the surface Current situation Many steps still need a human intervention close to the dump 2 majors reasons: -The current design is not optimized in term of handling -The current handling equipement not optimized (several change of equipement during the complete process)
What could be improved No change of trailer between the tunnel and the surface -> dedicated trailer with shielding compatible with roads (cost ~25KCHF) Use of a shielded tractor (several already exist at CERN for the tunnel) but would be good to have one dedicated for all the onsite surface transport (cost ~75KCHF) -> estimated gain in term of collective dose ~500µSv