Home Visiting Collaborative A Family Support System of Care in Sonoma County
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Home Visiting Background Sonoma County’s Population: 450,000 Annual births: 5,000 Medi-Cal births: 2,250 (45%) First time Medi-Cal birth: 700 (14%)
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Sonoma County Upstream Initiative What is Upstream? Relation to Home Visiting Tier 1: Evidence-Based Practices - NFP - AVANCE - Triple P Tier 2: Promising Practices - TPC – application in process Tier 3: Innovative Practices - FN – application in process
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Who is on the Home Visiting Collaborative? It consists of community-based and county organizations with home visiting programs for high risk pregnant and parenting families. Child Parent Institute – CPI * Community Action Partnership - CAP Department of Health Services MCAH Program* Early Learning Institute – ELI* First 5 Human Services Department – HSD North Bay Regional Center - NBRC Special Education Local Plan Area - SELPA * First members/Starter Group
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Home Visiting Collaborative Vision & Mission Vision All families with infants and young children will have the resources they need to raise healthy, thriving children, who are ready to learn! Mission Ensure that local home visiting programs are aligned and sufficiently robust to address families’ needs. Members commit to work together to provide cost-effective care and reduce duplication of services and service gaps.
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Goal s Develop systems of care to reduce gaps & duplications of service Strengthen coordinated referral processes Share data, best practices & promote evidence-based programs Identify home visitor core competencies & address training needs Identify opportunities to leverage resources whenever possible
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Successes Development of a structured Steering Committee & Collaborative Steering Committee Collaborative Monthly meetings Quarterly meetings 8-10 members participants Executive Directors & Managers Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Home Visitors, Community Partners & Supporters
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Roles The Steering Committee focuses on: Planning Collaborative meetings Developing work plans Identifying service gaps and overlaps Reviewing community bench marks Collaborative Meeting training topics Strengthening Families/Collective Impact Silent Signs of Compassion Fatigue Resiliency & Strength-Based Home Visiting Violence in Sonoma County-Preliminary Findings/Field Safety Data & Evidence Based Programs & Practices Successes - Roles & Trainings
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Opportunities Core Competencies Shared training modules, such as Touchpoints, ASQs and Strengthening Families Service Analysis Graphic representation of countywide programs Shared measurements Centralized Referral System A longer term goal
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Challenges Multiple Agencies Conflicting Program Mandates Demand for Services vs Capacity
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Next Steps Retreat planned for January 2015 Formal work plan to be decided for 2015 Working more closely with Upstream Investments and First 5
SONOMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH Questions? Pauline Richardson Health Program Manager MCAH HV Programs (707) Thank you for your time and participation! Angie Dillon-Shore Research & Evaluation Manager Upstream Investments, HSD (707)