Chapter 3 Automating Your Work
It is frustrating when you have to type the same passage of text repeatedly. For example your name and address. Word includes several features that can help you automate many of the tasks you complete on a daily basis. The Auto Text feature enables you to create a special entry to store text, graphics, or a combination of text and graphics. You can then recall the entry at any time and insert it into any document.
Automating Your Work The Auto Complete feature allows you to insert entire items by just typing a few character. The Auto Format feature lets you instruct Word to analyze a document and then use styles and various formatting codes automatically to format your entire document for you.
Creating AutoText Entries When you create an AutoText entry, you select existing material in a document and assign a short name to the selection. Whenever you want to use AutoText entry, type the short name and press F3.
Creating AutoText Entries To Create an AutoText Entry 1.Display a blank document in your Word window. 2.Type your information 3.Select the characters you just entered. 4.Click Insert, AutoText, New to display the Create auto Text dialog box. You can also display the Create AutoText dialog box by pressing Alt+F3 –Based on the first characters in the AutoText selection, Word suggest a name. Word uses this text as the name for the Auto Text entry unless you change it. –The name can be short as one character or as long as 32 characters, including spaces and special characters.
Creating AutoText Entries To Create an AutoText Entry 5.Enter the name in to text box; then click OK to save the entry. Create an AutoText entry with save it through the AutoText page of the AutoCorrect dialog box. 1.Continue with the same page and place the insertion point at the end of the document. 2.Type your entry. 3.Select the new paragraph; then click Insert, AutoText 4.Enter the name. 5.Click Add to save the AutoText entry under its new name. 6.Close your document. –You do not have to save the document to save the AutoText entries. They are automatically saved.
Inserting AutoText Entries To insert AutoText entries 1.Open your document 2.Place the insertion point where you want to add AutoText entries. 3.Type the name of AutoText entry. –The AutoText entry should now be inserted. Note that the newly inserted paragraph is formatted in the same as other body text paragraphs in the document. –Second way to add more AutoText entries 1.Position the insertion point 2.Click Insert, AutoText to display AutoText age of the AutoCorrect dialog box; then scroll through the entries in the list box. 3.Click once on the entry in the list box to select it, then preview the entry in the Preview box to make sure that it is the one you previously entered. 4.Click Insert to close the Autocorrect dialog box.
Editing and Deleting AutoText Entries To edit AutoText Entries 1.Select the word which you want to change. 2.Press Shift+F3 until your selected words appear in all uppercase letters. 3.Select the entire paragraph to prepare to enter revised paragraph as an AutoText entry. 4.Click Insert, AutoText to display the AutoText page of the AutoCorrect dialog box. Then locate and select your entry in the list box.
Editing and Deleting AutoText Entries To edit AutoText Entries 5.Click Add to display a dialog box asking whether you want to redefine the AutoText entry. 6.Click Yes to redefine the entry and return to the document. 7.Place the insertion point on the blank line below the selection; 8.Type your shortcut characters and press F3 to insert edited AutoText entry.
Editing and Deleting AutoText Entries To Delete AutoText Entries 1.Click Insert, AutoText, Auto Text to display the AutoText page of the AutoCorrect dialog box; then select your entry shortcut characters. 2. Click Delete to remove he entry from the list. 3.Click OK to close the dialog box. 4.Type your shortcut characters and press F3 to try to insert an AutoText entry. 5.When the AutoText is not inserted ‘if the AutoText entry is inserted, repeat the above deletion steps to delete the entry.’ note is written on the status bar.
Inserting Fields into a Document You can insert a date and time field, which automatically updates that you print a new request. A FIELD is a placeholder for data in a document that may change over time. To insert a field into Your Document 1.Click Insert, Date and time 2.Select the format 3.If necessary, select the Update automatically check box. –When selected, this check box, Word insert the date and time as a field and automatically update them. –If you don’t select this check box, word inserts the date and time as text, not as field; therefore, the date and time will not automatically change each time.
Inserting Fields into a Document 4.Click OK to insert –If the date and time field is not displayed an actual time, click Options on the Tool menu, click View tab clear the Field codes check box. –Unlike normal text, which is highlights black when selected, fields highlight in gray when selected. 5.If you want to update the current date and time; note that if you open the file on a different date, Word updates the field automatically. To update a field after opening the file, press F9.
Inserting Symbols into a Document To insert symbols into your document 1.Click Insert symbol. If necessary, click the symbols tab to display the list of available symbols for current font. 2.Click the font box to display a list of the available symbol sets. –Each font includes a set of unique symbols, and many font also contain different versions of the same symbols. 3.Choose your symbol and click Insert to insert the symbol.
Using Word Themes A theme is a group of related design elements, color schemes, bullets, fonts, horizontal lines, and other document elements saved into a named format that you can apply to your document. It does provide a design for your document through fonts, graphics and colors. To Apply a Theme to a document 1.Click Format, Theme 2.Select a theme, then view the preview box to see the changes that will be made when you confirm your selection. 3.Click OK to apply theme.
Using AutoFormat to Automatically Format a Document Word automatically format your entire document by applying predefined styles to components of your document while you focus on its content. To Apply the AutoFormat Feature to a Document 1.Click Format, AutoFormat 2.Make sure that the AutoFormat now option is selected and General document option is displayed in the list box; Click OK to let Word automatically format your document –If you are ever dissatisfied with the results of using the AutoFormat you can manually format any area of the document.
Using Word Wizards Wizards are automated templates that lead you step by step through the process of creating a document; or they present a formatted document with prompts indicating where you are to enter your own information. To use a Word Wizard 1.File, New, click the Memos tab 2.Make sure that document option is selected in the create new section of the dialog box; then click OK to start a wizard. 3.Review the initial information and click Next. 4.Click the contemporary style option; then click Next. 5.Make sure that today's date has been placed and enter necessary information.
Moving Columns –By Dragging –Cut/Paste Sort –Determine the column on which initial sorting of rows will be based. Your sort can be based on the entries of up to three columns. Table Sort Dont forget to check header row option.
Merge –Combine multiple cells in to a single cells. –Select rows Right Click and select merge cells. –The opposite of merging cells is splitting cells.
Inserting Formulas in Tables –Use Autosum button on the standart tool bar or –Table Formula Example –=sum(Left) – =a3*b3
Using Predefined Table Formats –Table Table Auto Format Insert Table Caption
Converting Text to Tables –Start each line at the left margin and be sure to insert only one tab between entries. –Table convert Text to Table
Converting Table to Text –Select the entire table –Table convert Table to Text Accept the default choice of Tabs in the Seperate text section, then click ok.