More Franchising opportunities
Aims For you to investigate the Franchise industry For you to investigate the Franchise industry To be aware of the key issues involved in setting up a Franchise To be aware of the key issues involved in setting up a Franchise
Internet Research – 10 mins max Log on to the Internet Log on to the Internet Go to the following website Go to the following website Select a TWO Franchise categories to answer the following Q’s: Select a TWO Franchise categories to answer the following Q’s: How many franchises are there in each category? How many franchises are there in each category? How many Franchise names are you already aware of? How many Franchise names are you already aware of? Which ones have you never heard of? Which ones have you never heard of?
Your individual task Display work….
Create a poster Resources needed Resources needed A3 paper available A3 paper available Scissors Scissors Glue Glue Printer! Printer! Select ONE Franchise that has caught your interest! Select ONE Franchise that has caught your interest! Create a poster to fulfil the following criteria Create a poster to fulfil the following criteria Use a search engine to look at the Franchise website to help you as well! Web links:
Poster Details The Franchise name, The Franchise name, What products/services does it provide? What products/services does it provide? When did the original business start up/ franchising start date? When did the original business start up/ franchising start date? How many franchises are there in the UK? How many franchises are there in the UK? What qualities & skills do you need to run one of their franchises? What qualities & skills do you need to run one of their franchises? How much does the start up franchise fee cost & what do you get for the money? How much does the start up franchise fee cost & what do you get for the money? What are the royalty % that you have to repay each year? What are the royalty % that you have to repay each year? Log onto either of these sites to research info Log onto either of these sites to research info You also need to use a search engine to find the Franchise central website, which should give you more information! You also need to use a search engine to find the Franchise central website, which should give you more information!
Plenary What franchises have you chosen? Which are familiar? Which are ‘new’? What franchises have you chosen? Which are familiar? Which are ‘new’? Which franchise was the cheapest to buy? Which franchise was the cheapest to buy? Which franchise was the most expensive to buy? Which franchise was the most expensive to buy? What did the franchisee get for their start-up fee? What did the franchisee get for their start-up fee? Why do you think different franchises charge different start up fees? Why do you think different franchises charge different start up fees?