1 First Meeting of Technical Advisory Group and International Steering Committee meeting of LADA, PDF-B First Meeting of Technical Advisory Group and International.


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Presentation transcript:

1 First Meeting of Technical Advisory Group and International Steering Committee meeting of LADA, PDF-B First Meeting of Technical Advisory Group and International Steering Committee meeting of LADA, PDF-B Approaches and partnership building Parviz Koohafkan, Land and Water Development Division FAO interdepartmental group on desertification

2 Global Assessment of The State of The Land & Water Resources In 2030 world population will double Majority of population will live in urban areas Majority of poor will continue to be rural poor living in fragile ecosystems and dry lands Arable land expansion will be restricted Natural Resources Degradation Will Accentuate Water Scarcity will Arise at Local and Regional Levels Effects of drought and desertification on rural poor will accentuate Growth in food and agricultural production would need: –Sustainable land use intensification –environmental friendly technologies –maximising resource use efficiency

3 Moderate to Severe

4 Global water stress, 1995 and 2025


6 Review of Objectives of LADA

7 ObjectivesObjectives of LADA Objectives of PDF-B Objectives of Stakeholders meeting Stakeholders

8 Main Objectives of LADA Main Objectives of LADA to develop and implement strategies, tools and methods to assess and quantify the nature, extent, severity and impacts of land degradation land to build national, regional and global assessment capacities to enable the design and planning of interventions to mitigate land degradation

9 Objectives of PDF-B Develop and Calibrate standardised methods and guidelines for dryland degradation assessment and monitoring; A baseline dry land land degradation map at sub-regional scale Global assessment of actual dry land degradation and degradation hazards Detailed assessment of land degradation at national level in pilot countries, focusing on areas at greatest risk (‘hot spots’) and areas where degradation has been successfully reversed (‘bright spots’) Analysis of the impacts of land degradation of “Hotspots”: Identification of context specific best practices for the control and prevention of land degradation Communication and exchange of land degradation related information, and promotion of its use in decision making (Policy Guidance; GEF Interventions; Priority Actions; Best Practices, Monitoring Tools) Development of full LADA project

10 Objectives of Stakeholders Meeting Information sharing and partnership building for LADA Formal establishment of International Technical Steering Committee (ITSC- LADA) and Thematic Technical Groups (TTGs) for PDF-B phase of LDAD Agreement on a common Framework for Dryland Degradation Assessmenton

11 Coverage of Assessment


13 Time Land use change Biomass Roots + S.O.M.

14 First Plenary sessions German Room – C269 Wednesday, 23 January (All Day) Thursday, 24 January (Morning) First Plenary sessions, in which several approaches and methodologies related to the assessment of land degradation in dryland will be introduced and discussed

15 Parallel Sessions Thursday, 24 January (Afternoon) Friday, 25 January (Morning) Working Session 1: (German Room) The LADA Steering Committee The parallel session 1, of the Steering Committee, will be focussing on the organisation and management aspects of the PDF-B activities and the technical orientation and institutional relationships among partners, within the perspective of LADA- PDF-B project. Working Session 2: (Philippine Room) The Technical Advisory Group on Early Warning, Monitoring and Rehabilitation This session deals with the methodologies and tools needed for LADA and with the partnerships among national and international institutions, that will be involved in the full LADA activities. The advice should be usable for those working in the PDF-B activities, for the partners in the full LADA project and for those outside that project who wish to match their activities with those of LADA, for example in national institutions or externally supported projects.

16 Final Plenary Session Friday, 25 January (Afternoon) German Room C269 Conclusions and road map of the LADA Steering Committee Conclusions and recommendations of the Technical Advisory Group for complementary activities to LADA-PDF-B and capacity building for Full LADA project Open discussions Practical arrangements: next meeting Other Business

17 Thank You,….