External Communication & Coordination Ruth Pordes
31 Jan Overview Current Initiatives Establish quarterly meetings with major stakeholders/VOs. First one yesterday with D0. Improve planning and interfaces with TeraGrid and EGEE through more or less monthly management meetings. Contact each external project and service provider for understanding of expectations and agreements. Article for the SciDAC review at LBNL for editing. Activities at SciDAC meetings, SC08, etc. Accomplishments Since Last Report Successful All Hands meeting with several external speakers for the plenary session and attendees at the workshops. Issues / Concerns Duplication of efforts in external project developments for OSG and othe grid projects. Ensure effective credit from our contributions to the WLCG How to define/ succeed in Science Goals. iSGTW editor. Cristy leaves April 30th. EGEE have 1.5 FTE of funding now through new GridTalk project. OSG needs to find 1.0 FTE (total) to match. Paul approached the NSF to no avail. What to do?
31 Jan WBS - Science Goals WBS Task NameWhoStartFinishComments 6.1.1CMS: 30K Batch slot hours of Opportunistic Computing in Support of CMS CSA07 Ian Fisk9/3/0710/30/070% 6.1.2CMS: 70K Batch slot hours of Opportunistic Computing in Support of CMS Cosmic running (etc… all 0% complete) Ian Fisk11/1/0712/30/070% 6.2.1Successful support for M3-M6 cosmic sample processing Jim Shank11/12/071/5/0880% 6.2.2Support for data distribution for T1, T2 at 95% average data availability with 48hr latency Jim Shank11/12/073/1/0860% % utilization of full T1 & T2 processing capacity Jim Shank11/12/077/1/0890% 6.2.4Use of 10 non-ATLAS opportunistic sitesJim Shank11/12/077/1/0840% 6.3.1CDF: opportunistic Monte Carlo and Analysis on OSG sites at 5,000 jobs/day Rick Snider, Stephan Lammel 11/12/07 0% 6.3.2CDF: Completion of V7 reprocessing on FermiGrid? and CDF OSG sites? Rick Snider, Stephan Lammel 11/12/07 0% 6.4.1D0: Generate an average of 4 million Monte Carlo events/week on OSG Brad Abbott11/12/076/15/08100%Met. Now averaging 4 million/week. Endless Effort D0: Process data within 5 days of it being collected using OSG Brad Abbott11/12/0712/15/0790% Met this milestone though presently there are problems. Endless effort 6.4.3D0: D0 analysis code fully running on OSGBrad Abbott11/12/076/15/08100%Done. Demonstrated ability to run on OSG as needed 6.5STAR: 10,000 jobs/dayJerome Lauret11/12/07 0% 6.6LIGO: Demonstrate use of OSG grid accessible storage for LIGO application 11/12/0711/30/0710%This is pending the hire of the 2nd OSG person at Caltech. 6.7NanoHUB?: 200 hours/day on OSG sites with 90% success rate? Gerhart Klimeck11/12/07 0% 6.8GADU: Currently running 100 hours/day on OSG sites. Will this ramp up? 11/12/07 0%This project is on hold as the PI is moving to University of Chicago.
31 Jan WBS - External Communication WBS Agency Task NameWhoStartFinishComplete 5.1.1NoMonthly written reports to Council Pordes10/1/079/30/0820% 5.1.2NoSemi-annual written reports to JOG Pordes1/7/087/26/0850% NoFirst mid-year reportPordes1/7/081/26/08100% NoSecond full-year reportPordes7/7/087/26/080% 5.1.3NoAnnual Project Review with DOE/NSF Pordes8/1/089/15/0850% 5.1.4NoManage External Relationships Pordes9/29/089/30/0825% 5.1.5NoQuarterly sub-area status, progress, issues reporting into twiki Pordes10/1/079/30/0825%
31 Jan Additional Perspectives Need to start thinking of this year’s Science Advisory Group - and follow up on last years recommendations. Is the International/National balance appropriate? Respond to external reviewers comments. I found ~30 items to input to Action Items.
31 Jan Action Items from Reviewers Comments? Better match of expectations to deliverables for LIGO Tracability of OSG milestones/deliverables to stakeholder requirements. Metrics Increase in size/complexity of s/w stack with constrained effort. Demonstrating/publishing benefit and value. Demonstrate worthy science. Clear/transparent process for prioritization related to vision Computer center mentality Work on sustainability of program/infrastructure.