GEO ADC meeting May 2007, Tokyo, Japan Benefit Area: Disasters Title: Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level Point of ContactGFMC-Global Fire Monitoring Center, J.G. Goldammer Task DI Status
GEO ADC meeting May 2007, Tokyo, Japan Task DI Status On going activities for progressive implementation worldwide Technical and operational improvements ISDR (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) renewed interest System considered element of a global “Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation in Fire Management” (GFMC, FAO) “Marketing” of the system at 4 th International Wildland Fire Conference (Sevilla, Spain, May 2007)
GEO ADC meeting May 2007, Tokyo, Japan Task DI Status Relevance to the GEO Ministerial Summit 2007 The development of a prototype of the African component of the System, that is the expected output of this task for fall 2007, has been included in the list of the GEO « Early Achievements » to be presented at the GEO Ministerial Summit of November , in Cape Town, South Africa. Specific workshop has been organized in October 2007, in Accra Ghana (see next slide), as part of an international week on Fire and land cover issues
GEO ADC meeting May 2007, Tokyo, Japan Task DI Status Accra international week overall planning (draft)
GEO ADC meeting May 2007, Tokyo, Japan Task DI Status Specific Objectives of the Accra Workshop on EW Link fire EWS to international policies and systems on fire management e.g., Global Wildland Fire Management Strategy, WSSD, MDG, UNISDR Global Wildland Fire Network / Wildland Fire Advisory Group Identify relevant fire early warning needs in various regions of Africa. Review EWS concepts and evaluate a prototype Africa fire weather index. Identify a partnership to perform a trial period on the above prototype and formulate relevant “test” plan Raise political awareness on the fire management issue (here included early warning) and identify options to ensure sustainability of operational fire management systems Identify and gather together scientific and operational EO experts from the countries and organizations in Africa interested in participating in a regional network. Exchange knowledge and experience with other GOFC-GOLD regional networks and UNISDR Regional Wildland Fire Networks in Africa and elsewhere