Key Stage 3 and 4 Activities Lesson Resource Pack Created by Marius Frank Achievement for All and Helen Lambie Contact a Family 2014
4. “Let’s stop bullying for all” What can we do about it?
Pupil Voice: what should the school be doing to help Stop Bullying for All
Make them go away A message to bystanders oYI&list=PLD891E15E627F4CF3&index=6 David Roberts is a Paralympics hero. He has won eleven gold medals. He was bullied at school because of his physical impairments. Hear what he (and others) have to say about the role everyone can play in reducing bullying in schools, in society.
Diamond Nine Activity The cards describe various ways schools can reduce bullying because of difference. Arrange them in a “diamond nine”, with the activities you think will make the most difference at the top. You will have to prioritise and choose, even though you might feel all the cards are important. Share your thinking, and try to agree a “top three”.
Diamond Nine Activity- CARDS 1 ‘WORRY ‘or ANTI-BULLYING BOX reporting by letter/ A confidential way of reporting incidents of bullying, whether you have been bullied or whether you have witnessed bullying. PLEDGE SCHEME Everyone agrees what words are acceptable, and what words are unacceptable. Everyone puts their signature to a pledge board, and then stop each other from using these words and phrases. PEER MEDIATORS Pupils trained to deal with minor bullying and harassment incidents between other pupils. Teachers need not get involved, but the peer mediators are supported by teachers to do the job. WRITE YOUR IDEAS HEREBUDDY SYSTEM Older pupils “buddied up” with younger pupils so that the younger pupils always have someone to go to if they have a problem. ASSEMBLIES AND LESSONS THAT CELEBRATE DIFFERENCE Positive images of impairment and disability, like the Paralympics, showing what people can do despite disability or impairment. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Groups of young people meet regularly, and work out plans to look after each other if they have problems, arguments or issues. BECOME A “TELLING SCHOOL” Where no one is afraid to talk about bullying, no one is afraid to report bullying, where pupils and teachers are confident about dealing effectively with bullying behaviour. COUNSELLING FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WHO ARE BULLYING Support, guidance and help for young people who are bullying to help them change their behaviours towards others.
Diamond Nine Activity- CARDS 2 WEEKLY / MONTHLY CELEBRATION EVENTS Where the school community celebrates how many times bullying has been stopped by other pupils (would need to think about how to collect the information) YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANTI- BULLYING FOCUS GROUP As part of School Council, young people with special needs and disabilities have an opportunity to talk about their experiences and suggest ways of improving things. TAKE BULLYING OUT-OF- SCHOOL SERIOUSLY (includes cyber-bullying) Schools make it their business to deal with what happens on the way to and from school. The School deals with cyber-bullying incidents. LESSONS ON DEALING WITH BULLYING Helping to build resilience to bullying behaviours, how to say “no” to bullying, who to go to if bullying happens out of schools, where to get help. SOMEONE TO GO TO IF YOU HAVE BEEN BULLIED Every pupil has a named person they can go to and report bullying confidentially, and to be taken seriously. WRITE YOUR IDEAS HERE At the end of the activity, your teacher or your school council rep will collect the most popular class answers
5. “Let’s stop bullying for all” A class or whole school charter
The class should make their own charter and consider what actions they can make, and what commitment they can make to help stop bullying for all. If you have a charter already, you could consider updating the charter to include reference to disablist language or bullying and difference.
Thinking about our class charter How does our school make sure that everyone can be included in what we do? How can we make sure that our environment does not make things harder for children who may have a disability? Are there things we need to do to make sure our class or school supports children who learn in different ways? What might we need to change? In our class, how can we make sure that everyone is included? In our class how can we make sure that children are not bullied?
How does our school make sure that everyone can be included in what we do? How can we make sure that our environment does not make things harder for children who may have a disability?
Are there things we need to do to make sure our class or school supports children who learn in different ways? What might we need to change?
In our class, how can we make sure that everyone is included? In our class how can we make sure that children are not bullied?
We will stop bullying by: Signed by: Our class charter
6. “Let’s stop bullying for all” Communicating about bullying
“I am the person”: This film is based on a poem written by a girl called Laura P2vcFQs&feature=player_embedded I am the person you bullied at school, I am the person who didn’t know how to be cool, I am the person you alienated, I am the person you ridiculed and hated. I am the person who sat on her own, I am the person who walked home alone, I am the person you scared every day, I am the person who had nothing to say. I am the person with hurt in her eyes, I am the person you never saw cry, I am the person living alone with her fears, I am the person destroyed by her peers. I am the person who drowned in your scorn, I am the person who wished she hadn’t been born, I am the person you destroyed for ‘fun’, I am the person, but not the only one. I am the person whose name you don’t know, I am the person who just can’t let go, I am the person who has feelings too, And I was a person, just like you.
You could: Construct a wordle using words and phrases that make people think about bullying Write a poem/rap/story about bullying and a young person with physical impairment or learning difficulties Write a letter to a friend with a learning difficulty in another country who is being bullied. Give them some good advice Ten years have passed since you have left school. You meet someone who bullied you at school, but you are not afraid of them any more. Write down what you would say to them. “I am the person”- communicating about bullying
7. Short films about bullying to make you think
Make them go away David Roberts is a Paralympics hero. He has won eleven gold medals. He was bullied at school because of his physical impairments. This sequence of short films gives insight, advice and guidance about what to do about bullying because of difference. What happened 891E15E627F4CF3&index=3 A message to bullies &list=PLD891E15E627F4CF3
Make them go away From people who have been bullied oEIRTA1l5w&index=4&list=PLD891E15 E627F4CF3 How bullying makes you feel Um4&index=5&list=PLD891E15E627F4CF3 Um4&index=5&list=PLD891E15E627F4CF3 oYI&list=PLD891E15E627F4CF3&index=6 A message to those who are being bullied A message to bystanders
8. Young people’s focus group Let’s stop bullying for all
Young people’s focus group on bullying and difference You will watch two short films about young people with physical impairments and learning needs talking about bullying, and what to do about it. What are your feelings and thoughts about the following questions: a)If you are bullied in or out of school, do you find it hard to talk to an adult about it? b)Are you scared of reporting bullying in case it gets worse? watch?v=DbXyljItrIw ?v=tkeLP48BUm4&index=5&list=P LD891E15E627F4CF3
Young people’s focus group on bullying and difference You will watch two short films about young people with physical impairments and learning needs talking about bullying, and what to do about it. What are your feelings and thoughts about the following questions: c)Do you think the person who is doing the bullying needs as much help and support as the person who is being bullied? Does punishment alone work? watch?v=DbXyljItrIw ?v=tkeLP48BUm4&index=5&list=P LD891E15E627F4CF3
Young people’s focus group on bullying and difference You will watch two short films about young people with physical impairments and learning needs talking about bullying, and what to do about it. d)What extra things can your school do to support someone who has been bullied? e)What extra things can your school do to reduce bullying for everyone? Put together a presentation that can be taken to the Head teacher and/or the School Governors that summarise the groups’ discussion, and how they would like things to change. watch?v=DbXyljItrIw ?v=tkeLP48BUm4&index=5&list=P LD891E15E627F4CF3
SEND: Developing Effective Anti- Bullying Practice From 2013 – 2015 the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) area has worked in partnership with Achievement for All, Contact a Family, Mencap and the Council for Disabled Children on an exciting new programme of work to reduce the incidence and impact of bullying on children with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities in schools. We plan to do this by: – improving practice in schools – lead by Achievement for All; – early intervention through support for parents and carers – lead by Contact a Family and working with Mencap; – disseminating information to the wider sector – lead by ABA; and – ensuring our training and resources are influenced and informed by children and young people with SEND themselves – lead by Council for Disabled Children This project is funded by the Department for Education.