The Affects of Bullying By: Taylor Gregory
Introduction Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, (physical and psychological), and/or threatening and persistent (repeated). There is an imbalance of strength (power and dominance). Everyone once in there life as gotten bullied. For some its minor but for some its major. It gets so bad that it leads people to do harmful things. Such as cutting themselves, attempting suicide or just doing suicide all together. There are many types of bullying. Among the most prevalent are verbal, physical, indirect, social alienation, intimidation, and cyber bullying.
Scenario A girl name Amy goes to school thinking it’s a regular day and a group of girls just start to tease her as soon as she gets there and bully her about her ex drew dumping her. Drew just sits there and doesn’t stop it and also all the other students around. So that night when she went home and cried. Amy has now become a victim of bullying and she didn’t know what to do or how to stop it. So she went to school the next day it got worse, in her locker there were million little notes that said bad names and bad things about her. She couldn’t take it so she ran out of school, ran to her car and has she was driving she ran her car into a tree, Amy attempted suicide. Luckily Amy survived, but she is one of the many people in this situation who didn’t.