Madison Petro Jenelle Richards Mat Lucas
Bullying is when somebody mistreats another person on purpose. The people being bullied most likely has a hard time defending themselves. Bullying is usually repetitive. Some examples of bullying are: Physically hurting somebody, such as punching or shoving Spreading harsh rumors about somebody Teasing someone in a bad way Ganging up on somebody Another type of bullying is called Cyber bullying, which is when somebody is bullied through the internet, cell phones, and other types of technology. Some examples of cyber bullying are: Sending texts, instant messages, or s that are rude or threatening Posting mean messages or pictures about somebody else on a web site or a blog Spreading rumors about someone by using somebody else's user name
Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and to ensure an atmosphere free from bullying. The Board prohibits bullying by district students. Respect one another so everyone has a bully-free zone Bullying is unacceptable to anyone in the Riverside School District Policy:In other words:
The Board encourages students who have been bullied to promptly report such incidents to the building principal or designee. The Board directs that complaints of bullying shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action shall be taken when allegations are verified. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the district’s legal and investigative obligations. No reprisals or retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith reports of bullying. Anyone that has been bullied should go directly to a trusted adult in the school to report it immediately. Anyone that is reported on being bullied will be investigated immediately and punished accordingly. Privacy of all included will be kept. The person that reported the bullying will not be punished. In other words: Policy:
This policy shall be accessible in every classroom. The policy shall be posted in a prominent location within each school building and on the district web site, if available The bullying policy will be able to be viewed and read in every classroom in the building, if possible along with the Riverside School website. In other words:Policy:
Bullying is a growing problem in teens today You know what bullying is but you have to do something about it YOU MUST REPORT BULLYING Bullying has to be reported before something can be done about it
People all over witness bullying We know what is going on Report bullying to get help You need help to stop bullying It may not be you this time but… What about next time?
If you are being bullied, tell that person to stop. If they don’t stop, then tell a trusted adult and they should know what to do.
The easiest way to report bullying is to tell someone about it Tell a Teacher Counselor Principal Sibling Parent Friend!
Telling another person about bullying will make a difference even if it doesn’t directly affect you By telling someone action can be taken and bullying prevented Reporting bullying must come first!
All of the time people see bullying take place and watch They don’t do anything Aren’t they just as bad as the bully? Are you?
RAP = Riverside Assistance Program The RAP box is an anonymous way to report bullying Located in the nurse’s office Put a slip in the RAP box with any kind of incident
Who is a bully? Are you? If you are a bully you better stop or you will get caught
Everyday as Natalie sits in 3 rd period, a note gets thrown at her saying mean comments that make fun of her. At first, Natalie ignored them thinking they were a joke. But slowly, the notes got more harassing and aggressive. What should she do?
Save any notes from bullies! Then, show a responsible adult. Getting bullied is no joke. Tell someone you trust. The bully will be stopped, and you’ll feel safe again!
Jason got cut from the high school basketball team. Everyday the team members make fun of him for being one of the few kids to get cut.
Jason tells the basketball coach, Mr. Johnson, that his players are bullying him. Mr. Johnson holds a team meeting to confront the players with this issue. He tells his players that next time there will be severe consequences including being suspended from the team. Mr. Johnson tells Jason to make sure that he reports any more incidents to him.
Bob sat down at his usual seat at lunch. He was about to take a bite of his sandwich, when the new girl, Grace, took the sandwich and ate it. When she finished the sandwich, she dumped Bob out of his chair and sat down. “What was that for, that was my seat and now I don’t have a lunch,” said Bob. “You’re a loser, that’s why,” answered Grace. “Well I’m going to go tell a teacher, because I want food,” said Bob. When Bob told Mr. Gary what had happened at lunch, Mr. Gary made Grace buy Bob a new lunch and he told her if it ever happened again, with anybody, then she would get suspended, or even expelled.