Aastha Mishra Garima Shree Angita Kumari
Foods are the ingredients which are needed to fulfill our needs of energy.
Chocolate cakes help us to maintain the calorie. Cakes are tasty but they contains lots of ‘FATS’, due to that we can grow more fat.
Rice is the most common food of the world. Rice contains carbohydrate, alcohol, mineral etc.
Eggs are the source of ‘PROTEIN’ and ‘FATS’. They are used for making cakes and bakeries. Also used for making shampoo.
Vegetables are good for our health. They are the source of all ‘vitamins’ and ‘minerals’.
Fruits are natural antibiotics gifted by god for us. Fruits like pomegranate helps us in increasing the hemoglobin.
Chocolate are the most famous item in world. Sometimes candies like ‘Hajmola’ are useful for our digestive system. They are for celebrations or expressing happiness.
Pulses are good source of ‘protein’ and ‘fats’. Their crops are very useful to soil because it increases the fertility of soil.
Spices are the ingredients which make foods tastier. They are sometimes used as medicinal treatment. Like ‘TURMRIC’ are used in injurious case. Clove is used in dental problems.
Milk is a complete food. Cheese and sweets are the best examples of milk. It gives us ‘FATS’, ‘MINERALS’, ‘VITAMINES’, etc.
Abend snacks(evening snacks) are only for changing the taste of our mouth. It is very light and taken in little amount.
Chilled drinks and ice-creams are demanded in summer mostly. They are also called soft drinks.
Water is very precious for our life. Water is gift of god for us. Without water it is very difficult to survive.