Plus this happens a lot.
Rescue boats are great !
Main players Club Med Mark Warner Bitter End YC Neilson Wildwind Minorca Sailing Sunsail [Change the language to english for reduced prices] Sunsail
Club Med & Mark Warner Very good clubs But the sailing is a side show to them. Bitter End YC British Virgin Islands Over 100 boats including IC-24 Keelboats Very upmarket
Neilson Based on the sailing school concept. Currently upgrading their club to be more like Club Med. Wildwind Best Cat based school. With a good range of dinghies if your are bored. Windsurfing base next door if there is too much wind.
Minorca Sailing University for dinghy sailors 200 to 250 dinghies Lessons in the morning. An hourly one to one instruction in the afternoon. Racing every day. The place where all instructors wish to go. But you will need a holiday afterwards.
Single handlers
Double handlers
Plus no rigging or de-rigging
Keelboats in Europe
The end
My choice where to go in winter/spring. Yachties The B.V.I’s by Sunsail. Down to 1600 chf for a week flotilla on a Oceanis 343 for 4 people. Beach clubs Antigua by Sunsail. Down to 1200 chf for a week. Windsurfing Dehab, Eqypt by neilson or club vass. Down to 650 chf for a week. All based of flights from the uk !