Bacterial Comparisons Of Used and Unused Medication Vials Whitney Baker Undergraduate Student (Biology-Health Science Concentration) Biology Department Tennessee Tech University Cookeville, TN 38501
Project Summary Problem-Pharmacy Employees encounter many types of bacteria. Problem-Pharmacy Employees encounter many types of bacteria. Objective- To determine how many types of bacteria a used medication vial might harbor. Objective- To determine how many types of bacteria a used medication vial might harbor. Hypothesis- Used medication vials, that pharmacy employees touch, harbor more bacteria than unused vial originally released to the customers. Hypothesis- Used medication vials, that pharmacy employees touch, harbor more bacteria than unused vial originally released to the customers. Null Hypothesis- Used and unused medication vials contain the same amount of bacteria. Null Hypothesis- Used and unused medication vials contain the same amount of bacteria.
Project Summary Cont. Goal-To determine the specific number of different types of bacteria present on a used vial. Goal-To determine the specific number of different types of bacteria present on a used vial. Goal Accomplishment- I plan to swab vials and use TSA plates to determine bacterial growth colony counts. Goal Accomplishment- I plan to swab vials and use TSA plates to determine bacterial growth colony counts. Expected Results- I expect that used vials will have a great number of bacteria than unused vial, and therefore a greater colony count. Expected Results- I expect that used vials will have a great number of bacteria than unused vial, and therefore a greater colony count.
Introduction Problem-Pharmacy Employees encounter many types of bacteria. Problem-Pharmacy Employees encounter many types of bacteria. Literature Review – Literature Review – –Karchmer, T.B., A.M. Anglim, L.J. Durbin, B.M. Farr : –Karchmer, T.B., A.M. Anglim, L.J. Durbin, B.M. Farr Pseudoepidemic of streptococcal pharyngitis in a hospital pharmacy. American Journal of Infection Control 29: –Rusin,P., S. Maxwell, C. Gerba Comparative surface-to-hand and fingertip-to- mouth transfer efficiency of Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and phage. Journal of Applied Microbiology 93:
Objective/Hypothesis Statements Objective- To determine how many types of bacteria are present on a used medication vial Objective- To determine how many types of bacteria are present on a used medication vial Hypothesis- A used medication vial harbors more bacteria than an used vial. Hypothesis- A used medication vial harbors more bacteria than an used vial. Null Hypothesis – Used and unused medication vials harbor the same amount of bacteria. Null Hypothesis – Used and unused medication vials harbor the same amount of bacteria.
Methods and Materials Data Form Data Form Data Form Data Form Experimental Design Matrix Experimental Design MatrixDesign MatrixDesign Matrix Methods- Methods- –Collect samples using aseptic techniques. –Avoid environmental contaminations. –I will be using the T-test as my statistical method. (Harper, 1967)
Expected Results and Benefits Advantages- Knowing what Pharmacy employees come in contact with daily, and being able to improve handling techniques. Advantages- Knowing what Pharmacy employees come in contact with daily, and being able to improve handling techniques. Benefits- Less bacterial contact means less sickness. This will improve productivity and decreased work days missed. Benefits- Less bacterial contact means less sickness. This will improve productivity and decreased work days missed.
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