Low Voltage Power Amplifier Group Members: Toro Adebiyi Chuck Shue Scott Wiggins Faculty Advisor:Dr. Mark Halpin
Abstract Various power quality problems - power surges - voltage spikes/sags - outages Benefits of problem “simulation” - assist in design of products - predict appliance behavior - provide useful safety and reliability information
Design Constraints Input signal - AC Sinusoidal from DAC - 5 V RMS (7.07 V Pk-Pk ) mA RMS (10 mA Pk-Pk ) Output Signal - AC Sinusoidal from amplifier V RMS (169.7 V Pk-Pk ) A RMS (10 A Pk-Pk )
Design Constraints (cont.) Circuit efficiency - 90% or better Temperature/Heat - temperature > 200 transistor heatsinks Harmonic Distortion - THD => 0.1%
Potential problems with design Efficiency vs. Available supply power Harmonic distortion issues Cumulative heat within circuit
Project Design Small signal power amplifier - can produce very accurate simulation - is simple to control/manipulate Rectifier - DC power supply for amp from typical wall receptacle - protects against external power quality problems
Project Design (cont.) Present circuit schematic: Temporary place holder (by no means actual depiction :p) V in R1R1 R2R2 V out +V cc -V cc
Project Design, cont. Voltage Gain:
Project Design, cont. Current Gain:
Progress at present Simulated Output: - ~35 V RMS, ~1.2 A RMS - THD of sine wave = 1.01% Circuit power efficiency percentage: 95%
Demonstration Amplifier exhibited at early stages Input signal source = function generator Demo power supply limitations (all +/- 12V rails) Output signal - ~21.5 V pk-pk, ~430 mA pk-pk
Demo Voltage Gain
Demo Current Gain
Appreciation The low voltage power amplifier design team would like to take this time to express it’s thanks to the following individuals: Dr. Mark Halpin Dr. Joe Picone Dr. Raymond Winton
Thank you for attending.