Australasian Innopac Users Group Financial Report 2009
1.Income Carried forward from 2008$42,670 Membership fees 2009 (guestimate)12,650 Estimated Innovative contribution to AIUG 2008 drinks reception 2, 300 Estimated 45 extra attendees at AIUG $55 each 2,475 Sponsorship for prizes from EEMS1,500 Total (AUD) :61,595
Expenditure IUG conference attendance (Chair)$5, Lucky prizes ( sponsored)$1, AIUG cost of attendance (Chair)$570 Estimated 2009 AIUG conference catering, gifts for speakers, buses, bags and drinks reception for 140 attendees $14,500 Total (AUD)$21,870 Estimated 2009 balance (AUD)$39,725