Every Teacher is a Teacher of every child - Quality First Teaching Henrietta McDermott Secondary Special Educational Needs Coordiantor, Stanchester Academy One of the biggest challenges of the New Code of Practice is the increasing emphasis on the whole school approach to Special Educational Needs Question is, how do we encourage this?
Learning Support Booklet Strategies for all staff on 4 areas of need. Increased information strategies for all staff on 4 areas of need. Increased information in booklet which outlines every pupil on SEN register and on internal register- Noted Need. Includes photo of each pupil with need and strategies used in class.
Joe Bloggs Student Passport D.O.B. 10EF Key worker: Jane Brown SEN: EHCP. LLCN/LGDD. Date: Sept 2015 Date of review: Dec 2015 Access Arrangements: Scribe Reader Extra time. I would like you to know that: I have an EHCP which shows all the things I find difficult and all the help I should get. I am friendly and kind and I need people to be kind to me as well. This means that: I need lots of support in my learning and I have a very complex set of needs. Please read my EHCP which outlines much of the support I should receive. I find it difficult to: Understand spoken and written language. Make myself understood since I find some speech sounds hard to make, or I miss words out of my sentence. To understand some hard concepts. It would help me if you could: Make your spoken and written language much easier. Give me extra time to think about my answers to you and longer to explain myself. Help me to learn practical life skills. Give me lots of key words and scaffolding with writing frames. Encourage me to use my laptop and help me to save and print my work in the lessons. I will help myself by: Asking when I do not understand. Speaking slowly so you can hear what I am saying. Trying my best and not getting too cross when things go wrong. Additional support: I have a LSA in all of my lessons except practical PE. I am learning life skills. I have extra key work sessions, Maths and English and IT. I am doing Entry Level qualifications. Data and Attainment Information: I love Liverpool football club. I like playing outside with my dog. Spelling and reading- I find these very difficult on my own. Please read my statement for more information. I need very simple texts and questions. I find lots of concepts extremely difficult.
What next? Tracking- Provision Map and Levels of Progress Lesson observations Training Drop ins/ Educational Psychologist advice for individual pupils/ problem solving.