Sports Nutrition Lesson 18.


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Presentation transcript:

Sports Nutrition Lesson 18

Energy Systems How is energy stored in the human body? Solar energy is harnessed by plants. These plants posses stored energy.

Energy Systems We consume these foods and our digestive processes break them down into simple compounds that are absorbed into the body and transported to cells.

Energy Systems One of the basic purposes of body cells is to transform this energy into forms for use now and in the future.

Energy Systems Energy for immediate use Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - a complex molecule that when split by enzymes can release energy rapidly for body processes. muscle contraction all body functions stored in tissue in small amounts

Energy Systems Muscle tissue is do totally dependent on ATP that complex systems have been developed to help replenish ATP as rapidly as needed. needed.

Energy Systems Phosphocreatine(PCr) is also found in tissues in small amounts. It cannot be used as an immediate source of energy, it can rapidly replenish ATP.

Energy Systems Because ATP and PCr are found in very small amounts in the body and are used up in a matter of seconds, it is important to have adequate energy stores as a back-up system.

Energy Systems Your body stores carbohydrate, fat, and protein to provide you with enough ATP. You can last for weeks on a starvation diet. Each energy nutrient can be converted to the other two nutrients in the body under certain circumstances.

Energy Systems Protein may be converted into carbohydrate during prolonged exercise.

Energy Systems Excess carbohydrate can be converted into fat during rest.

Energy Systems Carbohydrate is stored in limited amounts as blood glucose, liver glycogen and muscle glycogen. The largest amounts of energy is stored in body fats.

Energy Systems Fats are stored in triglycerides, in muscle tissue and in adipose.

Energy Systems Protein of the body tissues, particularly muscle tissue, is a large reservoir of energy but is not used to any great extent under normal circumstances.

Energy Systems Why does the human body store chemical energy in a variety of different forms? Historically humans sometimes needed energy to escape from predators. So the ability to produce energy at a rapid rate was important.

Energy Systems At other times, the suffered from periods of starvation. They needed a storage capacity for chemical energy that would keep them alive during these times.

Energy Systems The energy systems of the body can be divided into three main types. The ATP-PCr system ATP is the immediate source of energy for almost all body processes is stored in the muscles released rapidly used up rapidly and must be replaced rapidly

Energy Systems PCr - a high-energy compound. found in muscle tissue in limited supply(more than ATP) Anaerobic power is a term often associated with this system.

Energy Systems 2. The lactic-acid system cannot be used directly as a source of energy If you are exercising at a high intensity level and need to replenish ATP the next best source of energy is glucose. You can get glucose from the bloodstream.

Energy Systems You can get glucose from the breakdown of glycogen stored in muscle. This process is called glycolysis.

Energy Systems Mitochondria in cells need oxygen to process glucose into ATP. If enough oxygen is present it is called aerobic glucosis.

Energy Systems If the demand exceeds the ability of the mitochondria then not enough APT is produced and lactic acid is a by-product of the process necessary to provide sufficient ATP. This is called anaerobic glycolysis. This is used as a term for lactic-acid energy system.

Energy Systems The lactic acid produced is associated with the onset of fatigue.

Energy Systems The Oxygen System This system is also known as the Aerobic system. The Oxygen System, like the lactic acid system cannot be used directly as a source of energy. It does produce ATP in large quantities from other energy sources in the body.

Energy Sources In order for the body to access sources of energy, they have to go through a complex process. Metabolic by products of carbohydrate, fat and protein combine with oxygen to produce energy, carbon dioxide and water.

Energy Systems The whole series of events of oxidative energy production involves aerobic processing thru the Krebs cycle. Enzymes are used to remove hydrogen, carbon dioxide and electrons from glucose. At different steps along the way, energy is released and ATP is formed.

Energy Systems Although the energy for the formation of ATP comes from CHO, fat and protein, the change and use would not occur without water vitamins minerals

Energy Systems Water - helps break up and transfer energy compounds Vitamins - the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and niacin are all involved in energy use and creation. Minerals - Iron is critical in helping hemoglobin deliver oxygen to cells.

Energy Systems ,,,,