Sub-regional workshop on sharing of national experiences on the challenges and lessons learned in engendering the statistical systems February 2010, Skopje, Macedonia
Strengthening relationship between gender mechanisms and the NSO in Croatia Prepared by: Ivana Buršić, Central Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Croatia Irena Sarta, Office for Gender Equality, Government of the Republic of Croatia
Institutional framework for the implementation of gender equality policy in the Republic of Croatia
Coordinators for gender equality in state administration bodies appointed by director of public body to perform duties of a gender equality coordinator; coordinates the enforcement of the Act on Gender Equality and the National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality; Co-operation with the Office for Gender Equality; prepares report on the implementation of the National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality and submits it to the Office for Gender Equality every two years.
Non-governmental organisations for gender equality in Croatia Ženska soba – centar za seksualna prava CESI - Centar za edukaciju i savjetovanje žena B.a.b.e Centar za ženske studije Ženska infoteka Centar za žene žrtve rata Autonomna ženska kuća Zagreb Delfin - Pakrac Very active Make researches and reports Good co-operation with institutional gender mechanisms Very “loud”
Basic documents The Act on Gender Equality (2003; 2008) VIII. STATISTICAL DATA, Article 17 (1) Any statistical data and personal information collected, recorded and processed in public authorities, bodies of units of local or regional self- government, legal or natural persons …. must be disaggregated by sex. (2) Such statistical data and information collected, recorded and processed, pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, shall be accessible to the public in accordance with the regulations on personal data protection and the provisions of a special act regulating the matters of official statistics. National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality
CBS’s participation in gender related activities in Croatia Mostly through data dissemination and data analyses Participation in several working groups for implementing measures of the National Policy for Promoting Gender Equality Participation in making the Act on Gender Equality Preparing data for the Report of the Republic of Croatia according to the Article 18 of the UN Convection on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Participation at meetings, promotions, conferences on gender issues
Requests for gender statistics Gender organisations have many data requests CBS’s data on persons are always sex-disaggregated Sometimes it is difficult for gender organisations to identify data sources Approx. 20 institutions-providers of official statistics in Croatia (CBS, ministries, Institute of Public Health,…etc.) Private agencies and gender NGOs also conduct surveys Lack of data in the field of informal work and violence against women Time Use Survey (pilot is done by CBS, “real” survey will not be conducted soon, it is too expensive) Need for more and more data; new surveys cannot be established quickly (question of time, money, staff)
Yearly publication (since 2006) Women and Men in Croatia
Expectations of gender mechanisms in Croatia Further improvement of the system of data collection and data publishing from gender point of view Establishing new surveys in fields where data are missing (time use) To continue publishing brochures on gender statistics covering different fields (education, public life, work, …)
Thank you for your attention.