Creating disability inclusive services and public spaces in a local council Selina Bonnie MA Disability Liaison, Access and Equality Officer 12 October 2015
Creating an Accessible County Council Creation of South Dublin County Council (SDCC) in 1995 Establishment of Social Inclusion Unit 2002 Adoption of Barcelona Declaration 2002 Enactment of Disability Act 2005 National Disability Strategy funding programme 2005 – 2010 Significant programme of access audits and public consultation process during 2007 ‘Enabling Access, Ensuring Equality of Opportunity’, SDCC Disability Act Implementation Plan
Commitment to Mainstreaming Council’s Senior Management Team committed to providing inclusive and accessible public services Commitment and actions detailed in the Council’s Corporate Plan and the County Development Plan Flows through PMDS, work programmes, action plans Extended Management Team are key drivers in the Council for mainstreaming Supported by ‘Access Champions’ across organisation Support of Elected Members is vital Key step to providing inclusive services - create inclusive work environment for staff
Commitment to Mainstreaming Staff understanding of, and buy in to, mainstreaming policies and practices is essential Methods to secure staff buy in: - ‘South Circular’ newsletter - Intranet - Presentations at monthly staff meetings - Series of talks for all staff -Targeted events on significant days - Access webpage on Intranet and so on Facilitate inclusive consultation with disabled people on policies and services
Internal Policies and Processes Policy for the Employment of Disabled People Equal Opportunities Policy Disability Act Implementation Team to ensure the Council is meeting its obligations under the Disability Act South Dublin County Disability Advisory and Consultative Panel Forward Planning Multi Disciplinary Grouping Elected Members Disability Proofing Toolkit – developed in collaboration with the Members and available online through Membersnet Literacy Friendly Action Plan and Team South Dublin County Housing and Disability Steering Group Use of ICTs and Social Media – Communications Action Plan
Challenges Maintaining access both internal and external - testing induction hearing loops - keeping floor spaces clear - ensuring that accessible external surfaces are not impaired by utilities works Ensuring literacy friendly communications through supporting and encouraging staff to write in plain English - offering training - circulating basic tips to empower individuals and take the fear out of ‘proofing’
External Policies and Processes Actions to achieve universal access Recognising that people have individual access needs: - Designing a variety of house types - Braille, tactile and pictorial signage - Plain English proofing - Inclusive libraries - Facilitating disabled performers and sports people Council’s Customer Service Action Plan - commitments to accessible and inclusive customer service including the use of plain English. All customer service points have hearing loops installed
External Policies and Processes Requests for information in alternative formats can be met Strong commitment to and understanding of universal design within SDCC - Universal access playspaces, - Building access into new works and upgrades, - Local Area Plans, - Age Friendly County Plan.
Internal Support Structures Staff training identified by the organisation and by individual staff members. Staff training provided in: - Disability Equality - Mental Health Awareness - Literacy Awareness - Dealing with challenging behaviour for frontline staff - Access auditing - LAMH and Irish Sign Language Disability Liaison, Access and Equality Officer Participation in IRIS pilot Disability Act Implementation Team Social Inclusion Unit
Disability Liaison, Access and Equality Officer Internally supports line managers to facilitate and accommodate the needs of disabled staff Point of contact and support for disabled staff members Supports HR in responding to work experience requests: - Linking individuals with suitable work experience positions - Meeting with individual applicants to discuss their needs. Council policy to ensure work experience is meaningful to both the department and the applicant. Internally supports Council staff to provide and / or plan accessible facilities and services.
Disability Liaison, Access and Equality Officer Externally supports members of the public to access services provided by the Council. Represents Council on: - Irish Disability Studies Association - National Access and Equality Officers Networks Brings examples of good practice into the County
Mainstream Services MindMindR - a comprehensive directory of Mental Health services and resources for South Dublin County. People can quickly access information and contact details on mental health services using the smartphone technology and the MindMindR app Hearing Loops at all customer service points and participated in IRIS pilot Fix your Street Website and app People can report issues with their street online. Fast response timehttp://
Mainstream Services Ground floor access provided to three listed buildings - Importance of providing secondary egress Jobot’s Access All Areas – accessibility awareness game and access guide videos made available online and in multiple formats Participates in the annual National Accessibility Week National and International recognition of commitment – Chambers Ireland, EU Access City Award Camac Valley Caravan and Camping Park and Rua Red
Access City Award Tallaght Special Mention - Accessibility of Public Facilities and Services
Selina Bonnie MA Disability Liaison, Access and Equality Officer Corporate Performance and Change Management Department Tel: Mobile: Skype Id: selina.bonnie ooVoo Id: accessiblesouthdublin Web: Twitter: