Congenital Anomalies: Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Prof Dr. Sabeeha AL Mefraji.


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Presentation transcript:

Congenital Anomalies: Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Prof Dr. Sabeeha AL Mefraji

Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Esophageal atresia (EA) is the most frequent congenital anomaly affecting ≈1/4,000 neonates. >90% have an associated tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). In the most common form of EA, the upper esophagus ends in a blind pouch and the TEF is connected to the distal esophagus 87%..

87% 8% 2%1% Diagrams of the five most commonly encountered forms of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula, shown in order of frequency.

Continue. This defect has survival rates of >90%.. Infants weighing <1,500 g at birth have the highest risk for mortality..Fifty percent of infants are non syndromic without other anomalies..The rest have associated anomalies, most often associated with the VATER/VACTERL (vertebral, anorectal, [cardiac], tracheal, esophageal, renal, radial, [limb]) syndrome..These syndromes should be associated with normal intelligence..Genetic factors have a role in the pathogenesis of TEF in some patients as suggested by discrete mutations in syndromic cases.

PRESENTATION. **The neonate with EA typically has frothing and bubbling at the mouth and nose after birth as well as episodes of coughing, cyanosis, and respiratory distress. ** Feeding exacerbates these symptoms, causes regurgitation, and may precipitate aspiration. **Aspiration of gastric contents via a distal fistula causes more damaging pneumonitis than aspiration of pharyngeal secretions from the blind upper pouch. ** The infant with an isolated TEF in the absence of EA (“H-type” fistula) may come to medical attention later in life with chronic respiratory problems, including refractory bronchospasm and recurrent pneumonias.

DIAGNOSIS. *early-onset respiratory distress, *The inability to pass a nasogastric or orogastric tube in the newborn is suggestive of esophageal atresia. *Maternal polyhydramnios may alert the physician to EA. *Plain radiography in the evaluation of respiratory distress may reveal a coiled feeding tube in the esophageal pouch and/or an air-distended stomach indicating the presence of a coexisting TEF. *Conversely, pure EA may present as an airless, scaphoid abdomen. * In isolated TEF, an esophagogram with contrast medium injected under pressure may demonstrate the defect. *Alternatively, the orifice may be detected at bronchoscopy or when methylene blue dye injected into the endotracheal tube during endoscopy is observed in the esophagus during forced inspiration.

Plain x-ray

MANAGEMENT. *Initially, maintaining a patent airway and preventing aspiration of secretions are paramount. *Prone positioning minimizes movement of gastric secretions into a distal fistula, *esophageal suctioning minimizes aspiration from a blind pouch. * Endotracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation is to be avoided if possible because it may worsen distention of abdominal viscera. *Surgical ligation of the TEF and primary end-to-end anastomosis of the esophagus are performed when feasible. *Careful search must be undertaken for the common associated cardiac and other anomalies.

OUTCOME. *The majority of infants grow up to lead normal lives, but complications are frequently challenging, particularly during infancy. * Complications of surgery include anastomotic leak, re- fistulization, and anastomotic stricture. *Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), resulting from intrinsic abnormalities of esophageal function, often combined with delayed gastric emptying, contributes to management challenges in many cases. *GERD contributes significantly to the respiratory disease (reactive airway disease) that often complicates EA and TEF and also worsens the frequent anastomotic strictures after repair of EA.

Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis *Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis occurs in 1-3/1,000 infants in the United States. *It is more common in whites of northern European ancestry, less common in blacks, and rare in Asians. *Males (especially first-borns) are affected approximately four times as often as females. *The incidence of pyloric stenosis is increased in infants with type B and O blood groups. * Pyloric stenosis is associated with other congenital defects, including tracheoesophageal fistula.

ETIOLOGY. *The cause of pyloric stenosis is unknown, but many factors have been implicated. *Pyloric stenosis is usually not present at birth *Pyloric stenosis has been associated with eosinophilic gastroenteritis, Apert syndrome, Zellweger syndrome, trisomy 18, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, and Cornelia de Lange syndrome. *A variable association has been found with the use of erythromycin in neonates when administered for pertussis postexposure prophylaxis. *Abnormal muscle innervation, elevated serum levels of prostaglandins, and infant hypergastrinemia have been implicated.

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS *Nonbilious vomiting is the initial symptom of pyloric stenosis. *The vomiting may or may not be projectile initially but is usually progressive, occurring immediately after a feeding. *Emesis may follow each feeding, or it may be intermittent. *The vomiting usually starts after 3 wk of age, but symptoms may develop as early as the 1st wk of life and as late as the 5th mo. *After vomiting, the infant is hungry and wants to feed again. *As vomiting continues, a progressive loss of fluid, hydrogen ion, and chloride leads to hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis.

Cont. *Serum potassium levels are usually maintained, but there may be a total body potassium deficit. *Greater awareness of pyloric stenosis has led to earlier identification of patients with fewer instances of chronic malnutrition and severe dehydration. *Jaundice associated with a decreased level of glucuronyl transferase is seen in ≈5% of affected infants. The indirect hyperbilirubinemia usually resolves promptly after relief of the obstruction.

The diagnosis *palpating the pyloric mass. *The mass is firm, movable, ≈2 cm in length, olive shaped, hard, best palpated from the left side, and located above and to the right of the umbilicus in the mid epigastrium beneath the liver edge. *After feeding, there may be a visible gastric peristaltic wave that progresses across the abdomen. *After the infant vomits, the abdominal musculature is more relaxed and the “olive” easier to palpate. *Sedation can be used to facilitate examination but is usually unnecessary. *The diagnosis can be established clinically 60–80% of the time by an experienced examiner.

Gastric peristaltic wave in an infant with pyloric stenosis.

Diagnosis *Ultrasound examination confirms the diagnosis in the majority of cases and allows an earlier diagnosis in infants with suspected disease but no pyloric mass on physical examination. *Ultrasonography has a sensitivity of ≈95%. *When contrast studies are performed, they demonstrate an:.elongated pyloric channel..a bulge of the pyloric muscle into the antrum (shoulder sign)..parallel streaks of barium seen in the narrowed channel, producing a “double tract sign”.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. *The usual patient can be diagnosed by the characteristic clinical pattern and the identification of a pyloric mass on physical examination or ultrasonography. *Infrequently, gastroesophageal reflux, with or without a hiatal hernia, may be confused with pyloric stenosis. Gastroesophageal reflux disease can be differentiated from pyloric stenosis by radiographic studies. *Adrenal insufficiency can simulate pyloric stenosis, but the absence of a metabolic acidosis and elevated serum potassium and urinary sodium concentrations of adrenal insufficiency aid in differentiation.

Cont. *Inborn errors of metabolism can produce recurrent emesis with alkalosis (urea cycle) or acidosis (organic acidemia) and lethargy, coma, or seizures. *Vomiting with diarrhea suggests gastroenteritis, but patients with pyloric stenosis occasionally have diarrhea. *Rarely, a pyloric membrane or pyloric duplication results in projectile vomiting, visible peristalsis, and, in the case of a duplication, a palpable mass. *Duodenal stenosis proximal to the ampulla of Vater results in the clinical features of pyloric stenosis but can be differentiated by the presence of a pyloric mass on physical examination or ultrasonography.

TREATMENT. The preoperative treatment is directed toward correcting the fluid, acid-base, and electrolyte losses. Intravenous fluid therapy is begun with 0.45–0.9% saline, in 5–10% dextrose, with the addition of potassium chloride in concentrations of 30–50 mEq/L. Correction of the alkalosis is essential to prevent postoperative apnea, which may be associated with anesthesia. Vomiting usually stops when the stomach is empty, and only an occasional infant requires nasogastric suction.

Cont. The surgical procedure of choice is pyloromyotomy. The traditional Ramstedt procedure is performed through a short transverse skin incision. The underlying pyloric mass is split without cutting the mucosa, and the incision is closed. Laparoscopic technique is equally successful. Postoperative vomiting occurs in half the infants feedings can be initiated within 12–24 hr after surgery and advanced to maintenance oral feedings within 36–48 hr after the surgery. The surgical treatment of pyloric stenosis is curative, with an operative mortality of 0–0.5%.

Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon (Hirschsprung Disease) Hirschsprung disease, or congenital aganglionic megacolon, is caused by abnormal innervation of the bowel, beginning in the internal anal sphincter and extending proximally to involve a variable length of gut. Hirschsprung disease is the most common cause of lower intestinal obstruction in neonates, with an overall incidence of 1/5,000 live births. Males are affected more often than females (4:1); prematurity is uncommon.

Cont. There is an increased familial incidence in long segment disease. Hirschsprung disease may be associated with other congenital defects, including Down, and urogenital or cardiovascular abnormalities. Hirschsprung disease has been seen in association with microcephaly, mental retardation, and abnormal facies; with autism; or with cleft palate, hydrocephalus, and micrognathia.

PATHOLOGY. Hirschsprung disease is the result of an absence of ganglion cells in the bowel wall, extending proximally and continuously from the anus for a variable distance. The absence of neural innervation is a consequence of an arrest of neuroblast migration from the proximal to distal bowel. Hirschsprung disease is usually sporadic; dominant and recessive patterns of inheritance have been demonstrated in family groups. Genetic defects have been identified in multiple genes. The aganglionic segment is limited to the rectosigmoid in 75% of patients; in 10%, the entire colon lacks ganglion cells. Total bowel aganglionosis is rare.

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS. The clinical symptoms of Hirschsprung disease usually begin at birth with the delayed passage of meconium. In 99% of full-term infants, meconium is passed within 48 hr of birth. Some infants pass meconium normally but subsequently present with a history of chronic constipation. Failure to thrive, with hypoproteinemia from a protein-losing enteropathy, is a less common presentation because Hirschsprung disease is usually recognized early in the course of the illness. Breast-fed infants may not suffer as severe a disease as formula-fed infants. Failure to pass stool leads to dilatation of the proximal bowel and abdominal distention. As the bowel dilates, intraluminal pressure increases, resulting in decreased blood flow and deterioration of the mucosal barrier.

Cont. Stasis allows proliferation of bacteria, which can lead to enterocolitis (Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, anaerobes, coliforms) with associated sepsis and signs of bowel obstruction. Early recognition of Hirschsprung disease before the onset of enterocolitis is essential in reducing morbidity and mortality. Hirschsprung disease in older patients must be distinguished from other causes of abdominal distention and chronic constipation. The history often reveals increasing difficulty with the passage of stools, starting in the 1st few weeks of life. A large fecal mass is palpable in the left lower abdomen; the rectum is usually empty of feces. The stools, when passed, may consist of small pellets, be ribbon-like, or have a fluid consistency; the large stools and fecal soiling of patients with functional constipation are absent.

D.D In neonates, Hirschsprung disease must be :differentiated from.*meconium plug syndrome.*meconium ileus *intestinal atresia.

DIAGNOSIS. Rectal manometry and rectal suction biopsy are the easiest and most reliable indicators of Hirschsprung disease. Rectal suction biopsies are the procedure of choice and should be performed no closer than 2 cm to the dentate line to avoid the normal area of hypoganglionosis at the anal verge. Anorectal manometry measures the pressure of the internal anal sphincter while a balloon is distended in the rectum. In normal individuals, rectal distention initiates a reflex decline in internal sphincter pressure. In patients with Hirschsprung disease, the pressure fails to drop or there is a paradoxical rise in pressure with rectal distention.

Cont. The accuracy of this diagnostic test is >90%, but the test is technically difficult to perform in young infants. The radiographic diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease is based on the presence of a transition zone between normal dilated proximal colon and a smaller-caliber obstructed distal colon caused by the nonrelaxation of the aganglionic bowel. The transition zone is not usually present before 1–2 wk of age and, on a radiograph, is a funnel-shaped area of intestine between the proximal dilated colon and the constricted distal bowel.

Cont. Radiologic evaluation should be performed without preparation to prevent transient dilatation of the aganglionic segment. Twenty-four hr delayed films are helpful. If significant barium is still present in the colon, it increases the suspicion of Hirschsprung disease even if a transition zone is not identified. Barium enema examination is useful in determining the extent of aganglionosis before surgery and in evaluating other diseases that present as lower bowel obstruction in a neonate.

Cont. Full-thickness rectal biopsy can be performed at the time of surgery to confirm the diagnosis and level of involvement.

TREATMENT. Once the diagnosis is established, the definitive treatment is operative intervention. The operative options are to perform a definitive procedure as soon as the diagnosis is established or perform a temporary colostomy and wait until the infant is 6–12 mo old to perform definitive repair. Advances in techniques have led to successful laparoscopic endorectal pull-through procedures, which are the treatment of choice..

The prognosis The prognosis of surgically treated Hirschsprung disease is generally satisfactory; the great majority of patients achieve fecal continence. Postoperative problems include recurrent enterocolitis, stricture, prolapse, perianal abscesses, and fecal soiling. Some children will require myectomy or a redo pull- through procedure