Spectral Breaks in Flare HXR Spectra A Test of Thick-Target Nonuniform Ionization as an Explanation Yang Su NASA,CUA,PMO Gordon D. Holman NASA Brian R. Dennis NASA Napa, CA Dec.10.08
1/2 Nonuniform Ionization 1/3-1/2: Introduction 2/3-1/2: Models 3/3-1/2: RHESSI Observation 2/2 Time evolution and Imaging spectroscopy Flux of one source from Clean, Pixon time evolution of spectral breaks Image Spectroscopy, spectra from footpoints (spectral breaks)
Solar flare HXR spectra single / double power-law time evolution (Dulk et al. 1992; Lin & Schwartz 1987) break energy: typically between ~50 and 100 keV Spectral breaks is important acceleration mechanisms electron propagation and energy losses relationships between flare X-ray sources, radio sources, and particles 1/3-1/2 Introduction
For the count and photon spectra Instrumental effects, such as pulse pile-up (Smith et al. 2002) Additional components, such as: Albedo (Kontar et al. 2006; Kontar & Brown 2006; Zhang & Huang 2004) emission from thermal plasma 1/3-1/2 Introduction
For the accelerated electrons Non-power-law electron distribution from the acceleration process, e.g. a double power-law electron distribution a low-energy cutoff (Gan et al. 2002; Sui et al. 2007) a high-energy cutoff (Holman 2003) An anisotropic electron pitch-angle distribution (Petrosian 1973; Massone et al. 2004) Beam-plasma instability (Holman et al. 1982; Melrose 1990) Return current energy losses (Knight & Sturrock 1977; Zharkova & Gordovskyy 2006) Nonuniform target ionization (Brown 1973; Brown et al. 1998; Kontar et al. 2002) 1/3-1/2 Introduction
Aims Spectrum from nonuniform ionization thick-target with full cross section Can nonuniform ionization model explain the spectral breaks in observations? And how many? 1/3-1/2 Introduction
Nonuniform target ionization Electron energy losses lower in un-ionized or partially ionized plasma than in fully ionized plasma Brown et al. 1998, x(N) is the ionization level 2/3-1/2 Model effective column density M
step-function Brown 1973, Kontar et al. (2002) the atmospheric ionization the Kramers approximation of the cross section, q=1 linear-function the atmospheric ionization When N 0 = N 1 =N *, step function full relativistic cross section of Bethe and Heitler 2/3-1/2 Model
step linear E * = E1= 30 keV E e =60 keV stops here (M 0 ) N N1N1 N0N0 2/3-1/2 Model
δ=4.5 (best fit γ=3) (Brown 1973) 2/3-1/2 Model
Relation between N and E Photon flux from linear-function model F c =10 35 electrons s -1 ; E c = 1 keV (=0 for N 1 =N 0 ) 2/3-1/2 Model
Photon spectra and photon spectral index γ from the four models with δ=4 Arrows: upward knee, downward knee and γ(ε) for fully ionized model (not constant)
Spectra from linear-function model with fixed E 1 and increasing E 0 2/3-1/2 Model
RHESSI flare sample 2002 February December 31. Non-solar and particle events were excluded. keV count rate > 300 counts s -1 detector -1. the keV count rate to be at least 3σ above the background count rate. (F 50 ) Radial distance > 927” from disk center (>~ 75 degrees longitude at the solar equator) This minimizes the impact of albedo on the X-ray spectrum (Kontar et al. 2006) Detector corrected count rate live times> 90%. This gave a final sample size of 20 flares. This minimizes the impact of pulse pile-up (Smith et al. 2002; Ka·sparov¶a et al. 2007). 3/3-1/2 RHESSI Observation
1/3 keV bins from 3 to 15 keV and 1 keV bins above 15 keV All RHESSI front detectors no 2 and 7 -- poor energy resolution no 5 for the 30 Nov 2003 flare -- unusually low livetime no 8 for some flares -- interference from RHESSI's communication antenna One spin period, mostly at the HXR peak time Full RHESSI response matrix, instrumental systematic uncertainty: zero (Sui et al. 2007) Isothermal + three spectral lines+ nonthermal models Two steps for fit, first fit above 6 keV, then fix thermal comp. then fit above 15 keV the ion line complex at ~6.7 keV the ion/nickel line complex at ~8 keV (Phillips 2004) and a nonsolar line at ~10.5 keV CLEAN Images : keV for same time interval 3/3-1/2 RHESSI Observation
Examples for poor fit (left) and good fit (right)
3/3-1/2 RHESSI Observation fit results from: Bpow fit F_ion fit (Kramers) N_ion fit (full cs)
∆γ VS δ ∆γ from bpow fit δ from step-function fit 3/3-1/2 RHESSI Observation
full cs and Kramers (up to 36% on flux and 6.8% on γ) step and linear upper limit on ∆γ of spectra from nonuniform ionization model In 20 F 50 flares (around peak) 5 with single, 15 with broken 10 out of 15 F 50 flares can not be explained by nonuniform ionization alone All the 5 that can be explained by non-ion have DF sources -1/2 Summary
Aims: spectral breaks VS time How HXR sources change when the spectra change from single to b-pow spectrum from each footpoint relation between spectral breaks for footpoints and total spectrum 2/2 Time evolution and Imaging spectroscopy
Flux from single source of one image: flare id: , 22:32 energy range: keV 2/2 Time evolution and Imaging spectroscopy
pixon D2-D8, , , pixon D2-D8, including background model, Clean D2-D8, different iterations, 300, stop if, Normal, no stop MM=Media Mode 50: : : : : : : : : : : : Clean D2-D8, 4.06s 100: : : : : : /2 Time evolution and Imaging spectroscopy
keV Pixon: center , , circle:9, Flux Area Centroid (X,Y) Peak (X,Y) St Dev (X,Y) Peak Clean D2-D9, different iterations 300, stop if, MM: Normal, MM 50: : : : : : : : : : /2 Time evolution and Imaging spectroscopy
?/? The highest HXR source???
To be continued ?/? Direct observation of reconnection???