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Presentation transcript:


Waves – 10 Points QUESTION: Compared to the wavelength of ultraviolet waves, the wavelength of radio waves are…

Waves – 20 Points QUESTION: How do the waves on the electromagnetic spectrum differ?

Waves – 30 Points QUESTION: When does constructive interference occur?

Waves – 40 Points QUESTION: Explain why something on top of the water does not move forward as waves pass under it.

Waves – 50 Points QUESTION: The time needed for a wave to make one complete cycle it its…

Light – 10 Points QUESTION: How do you create magenta light?

Light – 20 Points QUESTION: Why is cyan the complementary color or red?

Light – 30 Points QUESTION: Label the following as either opaque, translucent, or transparent; wax paper, a notebook, and a glass door

Light – 40 Points QUESTION: What color do you get if you add all the primary additive colors together?

Light – 50 Points QUESTION: Name the additive primary colors and their complementary colors.

Color – 10 Points QUESTION: White light can be separated into what due to refraction?

Color – 20 Points QUESTION: In a magazine, the pictures are due to color…

Color – 30 Points QUESTION: Different colors of light corresponds to the light’s…

Color – 40 Points QUESTION: What color do you get if you add all the primary subtractive colors together?

Color – 50 Points QUESTION: Name the subtractive primary colors and explain how you get the secondary colors.

Reflection – 10 Points QUESTION: When parallel rays of light are reflected from a concave mirror, where do they converge?

Reflection – 20 Points QUESTION: What type of image is seen when looking into a plane mirror?

Reflection – 30 Points QUESTION: When drawing a ray diagram for a mirror, what are the three rays you can draw?

Reflection – 40 Points QUESTION: If an object is located between the focal point and the center of curvature of a concave mirror, what will be the orientation and image type of the reflected image?

Reflection – 50 Points QUESTION: State the law of reflection

Random – 10 Points QUESTION: True or False: Interference only occurs in water waves.

Random – 20 Points QUESTION: What color has the shortest wavelength?

Random – 30 Points QUESTION: Put the following in order according to the amount of photon energy from least to most; visible, x-ray, and radio.

Random – 40 Points QUESTION: If you put water into a yellow bottle, why will the water look yellow?

Random – 50 Points QUESTION: If you double the frequency of a vibrating object what will happen to its period?

Waves – 10 Points QUESTION: Compared to the wavelength of ultraviolet waves, the wavelength of radio waves are… ANSWER: Longer

Waves – 20 Points QUESTION: How do the waves on the electromagnetic spectrum differ? ANSWER: Wavelength, speed, and energy

Waves – 30 Points QUESTION: When does constructive interference occur? ANSWER: The crests of two waves overlap

Waves – 40 Points QUESTION: Explain why something on top of the water does not move forward as waves pass under it. ANSWER: Waves only transfer ENERGY!

Waves – 50 Points QUESTION: The time needed for a wave to make one complete cycle it its… ANSWER: Period

Light – 10 Points QUESTION: How do you create magenta light? ANSWER: Red and blue light mixed

Light – 20 Points QUESTION: Why is cyan the complementary color or red? ANSWER: Cyan is made from green and blue, so when you add red it makes white

Light – 30 Points QUESTION: Label the following as either opaque, translucent, or transparent; wax paper, a notebook, and a glass door ANSWER: Wax paper: translucent A notebook: opaque A glass door:: transparent

Light – 40 Points QUESTION: What color do you get if you add all the primary additive colors together? ANSWER: White

Light – 50 Points QUESTION: Name the additive primary colors and their complementary colors. ANSWER: Red : Cyan Blue : Yellow Green : Magenta

Color – 10 Points QUESTION: White light can be separated into what due to refraction? ANSWER: Different colors

Color – 20 Points QUESTION: In a magazine, the pictures are due to color… ANSWER: Subtraction

Color – 30 Points QUESTION: Different colors of light corresponds to the light’s… ANSWER: Frequencies

Color – 40 Points QUESTION: What color do you get if you add all the primary subtractive colors together? ANSWER: Black

Color – 50 Points QUESTION: Name the subtractive primary colors and explain how you get the secondary colors. ANSWER: Cyan, yellow, magenta Red: yellow and magenta Blue: Magenta and cyan Green: Cyan and yellow

Reflection – 10 Points QUESTION: When parallel rays of light are reflected from a concave mirror, where do they converge? ANSWER: The focal point

Reflection – 20 Points QUESTION: What type of image is seen when looking into a plane mirror? ANSWER: Real

Reflection – 30 Points QUESTION: When drawing a ray diagram for a mirror, what are the three rays you can draw? ANSWER: Parallel to P and then through the focal point Through the focal point and then parallel to P Through the center of curvature

Reflection – 40 Points QUESTION: If an object is located between the focal point and the center of curvature of a concave mirror, what will be the orientation and image type of the reflected image? ANSWER:

Reflection – 50 Points QUESTION: State the law of reflection ANSWER: The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Random – 10 Points QUESTION: True or False: Interference only occurs in water waves. ANSWER: False, Interference can occur in water, sound, light, and any other wave.

Random – 20 Points QUESTION: What color has the shortest wavelength? ANSWER: Violet

Random – 30 Points QUESTION: Put the following in order according to the amount of photon energy from least to most; visible, x-ray, and radio. ANSWER: Radio, Visible, and X-ray

Random – 40 Points QUESTION: If you put water into a yellow bottle, why will the water look yellow? ANSWER: The light is being transmitted through the bottle

Random – 50 Points QUESTION: If you double the frequency of a vibrating object what will happen to its period? ANSWER: Halves