12/24/20151 New Agency Orientation Boise State University Service Learning Program
12/24/ Training Outcomes At the conclusion of this training, new community partners will learn/hear: What is Service-Learning? What to expect? What will be expected of me? Logistics (lingo and database) Next Steps: Are You In?
12/24/20153 The Service Learning Staff Kara Brascia : Director Jillana Finnegan: Coordinator of Student Support Faith Beyer Hansen, Ed.D.: Coordinator of Community Partnerships Dayna Mitchell: AmeriCorps Vista Service-Learning Ambassadors: directly supports new community partners –Sara Elliott –Alex Scott –Carissa Wilcox
Let’s Get Inspired: In the words of our students Students on what they learn from community partners: Dee Dee’s (Centennial JobCorps) dedication and commitment to helping Job Corps students excel is tremendously inspirational; not only to aspiring teachers, but to everyone she comes in contact with. She is a role model who leads by example-- encouraging and joining students for 5am workouts and working on campus until well after 5pm, six days a week. Her consistency and persistent encouragement enables students (who once struggled) to thrive. 12/24/20154
In the words of our community partner: 5 Amanda is a very delightful service-learner...She was assigned to a variety of hospice patients. A couple passed away and she took on new patients. She completed her required hours in less than 2 months. Despite her heavy school load, family with children and other pressures, she has continued to visit and help the one patient that is still on services. She is very dedicated and compassionate.. She was one of the first to offer to come from Marsing, to Boise when I ask for special help with the Alzhiemer's Association Conference for sign in and other help. Amanda will make a great social worker because of her empathy and compassion and dedication.
And in the words of others…. 12/24/20156 If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it. ~Margaret Fuller “ Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin
The Boise State University Service-Learning Program Mission The Service-Learning Program facilitates campus- community partnerships by providing tools, trainings, and hands-on opportunities to enhance student learning, meet critical community needs, and foster a culture of community engagement. 12/24/2015 7
8 Service-Learning Defined Through service-learning, Boise State University students— Use what they learn in the classroom to solve real-life problems. Meet a community need Become actively contributing citizens Use reflection to connect service to learning
12/24/ Service-Learning is Unique Not an internship: focus of SL is on connecting non- profit needs and classroom learning, not on job training or career networking. Not volunteerism: element of reflection, critical thinking, and theory application distinguishes SL from volunteerism. Key Take Aways..SL is Connected to course learning through reflection Part of the grade Reciprocal
12/24/ Essential Elements in SL RECIPROCITY REFLECTION DEVELOPMENT MEANINGFUL SERVICE helpin g reflect Big picture learnin g classr m. theory stud ent agenc y faculty
12/24/ How does the agency benefit? Pool of volunteers, potential staff, resources and support Fresh ideas and approaches Development of an on-going partnership with Boise State University But not for everyone...
12/24/ Most Common SL Equation One (excited) SL student + One Community Partner = 15 hours Exceptions: –Service Learning Lab (30 hours) –Social Work 201 (45 hours) – Faculty-Led Projects Types of Projects: -Levels (Bucket or Reserved) -Off-Database
12/24/ Roles and Responsibilities Agency Partner: provides position description, orientation/training, supervision, and feedback to SL students, connects with student min. every 2 weeks Faculty Partner: sets course objectives, selects agency partnerships that relate to those objectives, communication with CPs, use reflection to connect service to classroom. SL Staff : recruit, support, facilitate, orient/train agency and faculty, provide policy and procedural materials, seek and respond to feedback EVERYONE: CONSISTENT COMMUNICATION!
12/24/ The Logistics- Agency Checklist PREPARATION: designate a SL supervisor, design and submit position description and schedule orientation dates, attend end of the semester mixer to meet faculty ACTION: orientation, student placement, supervision and reflection EVALUATION: of students, SL program, your position descriptions CELEBRATION: any large or small gesture to recognize students (increase retention!)
The Process Agency: Meets with CCP, defines agency need, registered and post a project Agency, CCP work to find a match: Bucket, Reserved or Off-Database MATCH IS MADE (and confirmed by faculty and CP) Students register on-line for classes that are matched to their class (or bucket) Students either attend one of your scheduled orientations or contact you to set up an orientation Students serve for roughly 10-weeks: communication with the faculty. And the end of service, community partners submit an online evaluation. 15
12/24/ Working with Students Be selective- it is ok to send a student back to their faculty (just communicate) Be aware- of which class the student is from, of semester end/start dates, the goals and skills of the students at your site Be a role model and mentor!
12/24/ Challenges in Service Learning Unclear Expectations, Phone Tag and Delays Reinforced Stereotypes Student Accountability Scheduled orientations & detailed position descriptions Issue education and quality reflection Student Agreement, Log Sheets, and evaluation
12/24/ Lingo: Student Agreement, Log Sheets, Supervisor Evaluation, Site Evaluation SLPro: Online Database Website: Important Dates, FAQs ETC… opportunities for deeper involvement: advisory group and focus groups. Logistics: lingo, systems and resources
Next Steps Are You In? Well, then... Project Posting: June 1st Summer Planning and Development June/July: CCP or student staff will work with you to adapt or create your volunteer materials for service-learners Get Ready-Students begin registering for projects on August 26th 19 12/24/2015