Parent Orientation Mrs. Elam’s
About Me I was born in Sikeston, MO in 19??. I moved to Tupelo, MS when I was in 4 th grade. I have been teaching in De Soto County for thirty four years. I went to Mississippi University for Women in Columbus, MS. I live in Mt. Pleasant, MS with my husband Mark, my son Shad, and my yellow lab Buddy. My hobbies are reading, gardening, flowers and herbs, and shopping. Yes, I admit it, shopping!!!!
Important info: School begins 8:25 Tardies- 8:30(15 tardies- 1 day suspension) Dismissal- car riders 3:15 & bus riders 3:20 Getting home- If your child is getting home a different way, please send a note Bus pass- needed 1 st time on new bus Conferences- 11:10-11:50 ( No Thursdays) Attendance policy- Students must be present 63% of the day. If a child misses 2 hrs and 17 min they are counted absent. Field trips……..
Money! Lunch- $2.50 Extra Milk-.50 Extra Juice-.75 (extra) Breakfast Daily- (7:55-8:15) $1.25 Reading/class t shirt fee- $22.20 Scholastic book orders- cash or checks payable to Scholastic, Parents can order books on line
Parties & celebrations Birthdays- Parents may send treats to be given out in classroom. Parties- We will have one party this year (Christmas) Valentine’s Day- Valentines and treat in the afternoon Room mom- ?
Folders Take home folder: Zipper bag- notes, money. Plastic sleeves, 1 st sleeve- Elam’s Events & spelling words, 2 nd sleeve- Math vocabulary words Test folder: Sent home on Wednesday. Please send back signed on Thursday. Extra work folder: Has handouts, board work, etc. on skills for the week, and A.M. work. Clean out pockets at the end of the week Math fact folder: Speed drills, flash cards, and speed drill information
Homework Spelling homework- due Wednesdays Reading homework- Read a story and answer questions, due on Friday Math homework- handout of weekly skills
Class Schedule
Schedules, cont’d Activity Schedule –Monday- P.E. –Tuesday- Music –Wednesday- Computer –Thursday- Art –Friday- Library
Test Schedule Thursday – Spelling Friday – Math check, Reading comprehension The schedule is subject to change when there is a holiday. Check Elam’s Events!
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Students assessed 3 times a year The assessment tests the students’ fluency and comprehension. The levels are form A to Z. 2 nd graders must be on level M by the end of the year to pass to third grade.
Report Cards/Grades Language Arts Block Language Skills Reading Spelling/Phonics/vocabulary Writing, listening, speaking Math block Grading Scale: S – N – U – 64 & below Look at report card
Rules/Procedures Rules posted in room When a rule is broken move clip to next color
Checklist: Consequences:
Caught Being Good!
My Website Click on staff websites Then Mary Beth Elam
Wish List Candy for rewards Stickers Napkins Paper towels
Parents, Thanks so much for coming to the parent orientation!!!! If you have any questions, please ask! QUESTIONS?