Floods: “Rain Rain, go away”!! Brooke Porter Science 1st Mr. Shepard
What is a Flood? Is a overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land! Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water, such a rivers, or lakes. drpinna.com
What conditions cause floods? From a geological perspective, floods are a natural consequence of stream flow in a continually changing environment. Floods have been occurring throughout Earth history, and are expected so long as the water cycle continues to run.
When does flooding happen? arkansasmortgageonline.com Floods most commonly occur near a river or a coastal area, they commonly occur near low lying areas and areas below sea level. Floods can also be contributed to by mountain runoff. There is no set time for flooding.
How long does a flood last? Flooding can last from 30 minutes to several hours - not too long, really. There's a catch, though: Flooding can occur with little or no warning, and even short-lived floods can do damage. In fact, any flooding situation usually causes some damage.
What kind of damage can a flood do? On average, flooding causes more than $2 billion in damage to property each year!
FLOODS!!!! –wrh.noaa.gov
Interesting facts Most people killed in flash floods are inside of vehicles. Flash floods often happen in mountainous areas when a storm up stream causes the water level downstream to rise quickly. If you do not move to higher ground quickly you could be trapped.
Thank You!!! Slideshow by: Brooke Porter