Update on decisions from the 62 nd Meeting of the Executive Committee with special reference to decisions regarding HCFC phase-out for LVC countries A presentation prepared by the Multilateral Fund Secretariat English-speaking Caribbean Network of Ozone Officers Antigua and Barbuda, 1 – 4 March 2011
Project approvals at the 62 nd Meeting decisions 62/18 to 62/60 Investment projects and work programme activities US $38 million plus US $8.6 million in support costs First tranches of stage I of HPMPs were approved for 16 countries 13 LVC countries 16 HCFC stand-alone projects in nine countries Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Morocco, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey and the Syrian Arab Republic 27 countries received support for extension of their IS projects including : Dominica – US $134,333 Jamaica – US $60,000 Saint Lucia – US $60,000 Saint Vincent and Grenadines – US $20,000 ( additional funding - decision 59/47 ) 2
Licensing systems (decision 62/4) The Executive Committee requested additional information from the lead agencies for HPMP implementation on the application of licensing systems to the importation of HCFC-based equipment Note that decision 54/39(e) provided assistance for HCFC control measures in legislation, regulations and licensing systems in the funding for HPMP preparation and no funding can be approved for HPMP implementation in those Article 5 countries that have not included HCFC control measures in legislation, regulations and licensing systems 3
Accelerated phase-out of HCFCs beyond 2020 (decision 62/10) The Executive Committee emphasized the need to use the Fund’s limited resources effectively LVC countries preparing to accelerate the phase-out of HCFCs should demonstrate a strong national commitment in line with decision 60/15 The Executive Committee decided that, for HPMPs for LVC countries which addressed phase-out of HCFCs ahead of the Montreal Protocol schedule and which had been submitted in line with decision 60/15, the total funding available for achieving 100 per cent phase-out would be extrapolated from that available for meeting the 35 per cent reduction in consumption as prescribed in the table in sub-paragraph (f)(xii) of decision 60/44 4
High levels of recorded HCFC consumption in LVCs (decision 62/11) The Executive Committee noted the large increase in HCFC consumption in the HPMPs of several countries, some of which amounted to growth of over 200 per cent The submission of stage I of HPMPs to assist former LVC countries with HCFC consumption in the refrigeration servicing sector only, that was above 360 metric tonnes to meet control measures up to 2020 will be permitted on the understanding that the level of funding provided would be considered on a case-by-case basis until otherwise decided 5
Institutional strengthening projects (IS) as part of an HPMP (decision 62/15) Decision 59/17 allows countries to choose whether or not to include IS funding in their HPMPs The inclusion of IS funding in an HPMP makes it subject to the performance-based targets under the multi year agreement covering the HPMP including all the conditions required for future tranche funding Bilateral and implementing agencies were requested to inform Article 5 countries of the consequences of choosing to include IS in the HPMP and remind them that they could continue to receive IS funding as stand-alone projects 6
Last funding tranche of multiyear HCFC phase-out plans (decision 62/17) The Executive Committee requested bilateral and implementing agencies, when preparing multi-year HPMPs, to ensure that the last tranche comprised 10 per cent of the total funding for the refrigeration servicing sector in the agreement and was scheduled for the last year of the plan 7
Prioritization of HCFCs (decision 62/12) Phase-out of HCFC-22 used in the manufacture of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment Agencies should include an estimate of the total future amount of HCFC-22 that could potentially be required until 2020 for servicing such equipment Phase-out of HCFC-22 used in the refrigeration servicing sector Agencies should clearly demonstrate how the proposed activities would reduce the growth rate in the servicing sector and contribute to meeting the reduction steps in 2013 and 2015 Projects for the phase-out of HCFC-22/HCFC-142b used for the manufacture of extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam Projects would be considered when it was clearly demonstrated that they would be required by national circumstances and priorities to comply with the 2013 and 2015 control measures All other XPS foam projects would be considered after
Assembly of refrigeration equipment in addition to refrigeration manufacturing and service sectors (decision 62/14) Projects proposals should demonstrate that each of those enterprises participating in the project had invested in equipment, development of products, or training of personnel specific to HCFC technology significantly exceeding the level of such investments prevalent in the service sector The activities foreseen for those enterprises represent incremental costs 9
Justification for second-stage conversion (decision 62/16) Proposals that include requests for second-stage conversions should provide the following information as part of the justification required by decision 60/44 The proportion of HCFCs consumed by enterprises that received assistance under the Multilateral Fund for CFC phase-out, as a percentage of: Total HCFC consumption Total HCFC consumption in the manufacturing sector Total consumption of HCFC-141b in the foam sector The estimated cost-effectiveness value, in ODP and metric tonnes, of the proposed second-stage conversion projects as compared with the estimated cost-effectiveness of phasing out HCFC consumption in other manufacturing enterprises in all sectors. 10
Strategy and action plan to assist Haiti (decision 62/70) UNEP will present the strategy and action plan to assist Haiti to return to the pre-earthquake implementation level to the 63 rd Meeting in April
Further information on Executive Committee decisions All decisions can be found in the final reports of the meetings of the Executive Committee – on A Summary of decisions of each meeting is published following the meeting – on and and distributed through CAP Multilateral Fund Secretariat always sends an official letter to countries following the meeting if any decision specifically pertains to that country For example letters were to sent seven Caribbean network countries following the 62nd Meeting Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Please send your comments or suggestions on future network meeting presentations to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat 12
13 Thank you