Yuba County Comprehensive Flood Protection Program


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Presentation transcript:

Yuba County Comprehensive Flood Protection Program Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Reclamation District 784 County of Yuba Yuba County Water Agency April 23, 2004

Local Agencies Participating in Flood Control in Yuba County Reclamation District No. 784 Marysville Levee Commission Yuba County Water Agency Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Special Legislative District

Flood History Post Oroville and New Bullards Bar floods 1986 Linda Flood 7,000 acres inundated 4,000 homes & businesses damaged or destroyed $95 million in damages (1986 dollars) 1997 Arboga Flood 16,000 acres inundated 800 homes & businesses damaged or destroyed 3 lives lost Describe Yuba River Development Project briefly Tib The Yuba County Water Agency was created by the Legislature in 1959 in response to the devastation of the 1950 & 1955 floods inundating Linda, Olivehurst, and Yuba City The Agency is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of the 5 members of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors and 2 at-large members elected by Yuba County voters: Al Amaro Brent Hastey Don Schrader Bill Simmons Hal Stocker Bill Harper (South of Yuba River) and myself, Tib Belza as Chair (North of Yuba River)

Flood History 1986 Flood View of Linda with Marysville in background Tib I would like to start by reminding you that in November 1997 the Agency’s Board of Directors voted to study the possibility of improving the level of flood protection for Yuba Co. residents and initiated the Supplemental Flood Control Program. Tonight is one of several opportunities for the public to share their input and work with the Agency to improve our protection from future floods. Your participation is important and we hope you will continue, and that you will help us involve more of the community. The purpose of this public meeting is to report back to you on our progress since the last public meeting held in July this past year. Since then, we have conducted a screening of all 33 prospective project elements, and are prepared tonight to share our findings. There is a lot of technical material to present, and we hope to do that clearly, and answer all your questions to the best of our ability. We also hope to hear from you -- your thoughts about our work, your ideas, your concerns. I would like to present Curt Aikens now to lead off the presentation.

Background (continued) 1997 Arboga Flood View of 1997 flooding along the Feather River Tib I would like to start by reminding you that in November 1997 the Agency’s Board of Directors voted to study the possibility of improving the level of flood protection for Yuba Co. residents and initiated the Supplemental Flood Control Program. Tonight is one of several opportunities for the public to share their input and work with the Agency to improve our protection from future floods. Your participation is important and we hope you will continue, and that you will help us involve more of the community. The purpose of this public meeting is to report back to you on our progress since the last public meeting held in July this past year. Since then, we have conducted a screening of all 33 prospective project elements, and are prepared tonight to share our findings. There is a lot of technical material to present, and we hope to do that clearly, and answer all your questions to the best of our ability. We also hope to hear from you -- your thoughts about our work, your ideas, your concerns. I would like to present Curt Aikens now to lead off the presentation.

Flood Control Goals Short Term – Achieve a 200-year level of protection in RD 784 and 300-year level of protection in Marysville through construction of the Corps Yuba Basin Project Long Term – Achieve a 500-year level of protection (YCWA Supplemental Flood Control Project Goal) Describe Yuba River Development Project briefly Tib The Yuba County Water Agency was created by the Legislature in 1959 in response to the devastation of the 1950 & 1955 floods inundating Linda, Olivehurst, and Yuba City The Agency is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of the 5 members of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors and 2 at-large members elected by Yuba County voters: Al Amaro Brent Hastey Don Schrader Bill Simmons Hal Stocker Bill Harper (South of Yuba River) and myself, Tib Belza as Chair (North of Yuba River)

Flood Control Projects Corps System Evaluation Corps Yuba Basin Yuba-Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project Y-FSFCP Describe Yuba River Development Project briefly Tib The Yuba County Water Agency was created by the Legislature in 1959 in response to the devastation of the 1950 & 1955 floods inundating Linda, Olivehurst, and Yuba City The Agency is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of the 5 members of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors and 2 at-large members elected by Yuba County voters: Al Amaro Brent Hastey Don Schrader Bill Simmons Hal Stocker Bill Harper (South of Yuba River) and myself, Tib Belza as Chair (North of Yuba River)

Corps System Evaluation Project Goal was to fix the levees to handle the 1957 design water surface profile RD 784 & Marysville Ring Levee Improvements constructed between 1997 & 1999 Site 7 Extension to be constructed in 2004 Total cost is $49.7 million YCWA betterments $2.4 million

Corps Yuba Basin Project History In 1988, the Corps of Engineers initiated the Yuba Basin Project 15 years of study and analysis Target level of protection 200-year RD 784 & 300-year Marysville 1998 Feasibility Study did not identify a need for work on the RD 784 Lower Feather, Bear & WPIC Levees for 200-year level of protection Construction initially targeted for 1997 Initial cost estimate $28 million Congressional authorization 1999 (Chief’s Report) Congressional approved construction start 2002

Yuba Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project YCWA initiated feasibility study after 1997 flood to achieve a 500-year level of protection YCWA Study & South Yuba Wild & Scenic River SB 496 led to Costa-Machado Water Act (Prop 13) $90 million for Feather & Yuba Focused on improvements past base case of 200 & 300-year level provided by the Yuba Basin Project

Y-FSFCP Components Colgate Tailwater Depression New Bullards Bar Increased Outlet Capacity Feather River Levee Setbacks (upper & lower) Forecast Coordinated Operations Thermalito Reoperation and Oroville Surcharge concepts handed off to DWR

Changing Conditions 1997 Flood Event DWR Floodplain Mapping Study New underseepage guidelines – requires more work to achieve a given level of protection Revisions to hydrology DWR Floodplain Mapping Study Identified FEMA deficiencies in RD 784 Lower RD 784 freeboard deficiency Yuba River left bank stability problem Describe Yuba River Development Project briefly Tib The Yuba County Water Agency was created by the Legislature in 1959 in response to the devastation of the 1950 & 1955 floods inundating Linda, Olivehurst, and Yuba City The Agency is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of the 5 members of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors and 2 at-large members elected by Yuba County voters: Al Amaro Brent Hastey Don Schrader Bill Simmons Hal Stocker Bill Harper (South of Yuba River) and myself, Tib Belza as Chair (North of Yuba River)

Changing Conditions Impact Corps Yuba Basin Project No longer provides a 200-year level of protection for RD 784, especially in southern RD 784 Underseepage requirement increased cost, requiring increase in Section 902 limit LRR initiated in 2003 with goal of construction ASAP GRR contemplated for remainder of RD 784 & MLC LRR preliminary result identify $108 million project cost, but benefits will only support $90-$100 million LRR scheduled completion date May 2005 Corps Yuba Basin Project decision point: Proceed with LRR or switch to GRR given new LRR schedule

DWR Floodplain Mapping Impact May 28, 2003 DWR released preliminary that identified 100-year deficiencies in RD 784 DWR Floodplain Mapping Study - unknown impact on the remainder of RD 784 & MLC levees Levee shown as failed unless enough geotechnical data to show otherwise Deficient levee reaches require FEMA certification

Proposed Strategy Goal – 200-year protection for RD 784 and MLC in the short term Proposed Strategy Add WPIC and Bear River levees work to the Y-FSFCP Move Corps Yuba Basin Project to a GRR Include WPIC, Bear improvements and Feather River levee setbacks in GRR Request section 104 credit for Y-FSFCP towards Yuba Basin Project GRR

Proposed Strategy Continued Secure local funding for WPIC, Bear and Yuba levee work Plumas Lake Mello Roos Proposition 13 funds YCWA funds Construct WPIC, Bear and Yuba levee projects as-quickly-as possible Leverage local and Proposition 13 expenditures for Yuba Basin non-Federal share Complete Corps Yuba Basin Project GRR and construct project

South County Floodplain Issues: Local Response DWR provided notification to locals in May of 2003 Locals funded and completed a problem identification study in Nov 2003 ($500K) First phase of alternatives analysis completed March 2004 Y-FSFCP analysis of levee setback alternatives (underway since 2003) re-tracked to address South County issues

South County Floodplain Program Goals Identify the extent of issues to be resolved to achieve FEMA certification Evaluate alternatives to provide the greatest level of flood protection possible Develop a financing plan Develop an implementation timeline Develop a solution that is politically, socially, and environmentally acceptable

Revised Y-FSFCP Strategy Level of Protection – 200-year minimum goal Phase 1 and 2 100-year WPIC & Upper Bear Yuba River Bear River Orchard Olivehurst Detention Basin Relocate or Improve Pump Station No.6 Phase 3 200-year with levee setback on Feather & Bear, or 100-year by improve existing lower Bear River levee

FEMA Fix vs. Y-FSFCP Costs Local Funding: $25M 100-Year Solution Goal 200-Year Project: Strengthen existing levees to 100-year level of protection Cost: $25 Million Completion: November 2005 Project: Strengthen existing levees, plus setback levee Cost: $48-$75 Million Completion: November 2006 (fast-track) Specific Project Elements: Upper Bear/ WPIC improvements Yuba River Improvements Pump Station #6 Bear River Floodway Olivehurst Detention Basin Lower Bear/Feather Improvements Same as 100 year plan on upper Bear and WPIC Bear/Feather River Setback Levee

Funding Strategy Prop 13 grant funds potentially available $55 million Net funds from local bond proceeds $25 million Total potential construction budget $80 million Additional funding potential: CDF&G enhancement funds for land purchase $15 million Total potential construction budget, with additional funding sources: $95 million

Y-FSFCP Phase 1 Goal – Restore design condition for WPIC and Upper Bear Rec Board permit application has been submitted on the following features: Strengthen WPIC and Bear River above Hwy 70 to pass the 1957 design profile Erosion protection Filling of landside ditch Levee raising is not included in this phase Other work that may be added to Phase 1 Yuba River FEMA critical reach (only strengthening required) Bear River Orchard Removal Olivehurst Detention Basin

Components of Current Rec Board Permit Application

Schedule for Y-FSFCP Phase 1 – 2004 Strengthen WPIC & Upper Bear Yuba River FEMA Critical Site Bear River Orchard Olivehurst Detention Basin EIR for Levee Setback Phase 2 – 2005 Relocate or Improve Pump Station No.6 Raise WPIC and Bear River levees upstream of Hwy 70 Land acquisition if setback levee is feasible Phase 3 2006 - Construct setback levee if feasible, or 2005 - Strengthen Bear River levee downstream of Hwy 70

Local Funding Plan Mello-Roos or other bond structure under consideration, but is contingent on development of Plumas Lake Target for net proceeds is about $25M Initial proceeds as early as July 2004

Contingency Plan 100-year project can be completed with local funds Addresses funding or CEQA issues outside of local control Requires Rec Board approval of programmatic permit for staged 100 & 200-year plans

Corps Yuba Basin Project GRR Project scope expanded to all RD 784 & MLC Changing conditions necessitates reanalysis of all RD 784 & MLC levees Opportunity to integrate YCWA levee setback flood control planning effort into Corps Yuba Basin Project Address all DWR issues Yuba River patrol road Yuba River goldfields Yuba River right bank levee in Marysville Add Feather River levee setbacks Address lower RD 784 levee issues

Corps Yuba Basin Project Local Participation & Cost Share Y-FSFCP Program Total cost for this program is $48-$75 million Project cost potentially creditable through Corps Section 104 authority Completed in 2-3 years Addresses FEMA certification Projected cost for Yuba Basin Project is $225 million State share = $55 million Local share = $24 million Section 104 credit will significant reduce non-Federal share

Summary Provides improved protection for the existing 24,500 residents quickly Provides a plan for 200-year protection Lessens State flood damage liability Provides significant portion of Corps Yuba Basin Project non-Federal share by leveraging Prop-13 funds through Section 104 credit Requires Mello Roos funds

Next Steps Specific requests to Rec Board: Grant Programmatic approval for Y-FSFCP Program Necessary for securing local financing Grant specific approvals for elements targeted for design & construction in 2004 Support GRR approach for the Yuba Basin Project