The Origins of Judaism
How do we know what we know? We get most of the information about the ancient Hebrew’s from the first five books of the old testament This is called the Torah Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
The God of Abraham God chose Abraham to be the father of the Hebrew people Abraham was a shepherd who live in the city of Ur, in Mesopotamia Abraham was commanded to move his people to Canaan
Monotheism The belief in only one god The earliest known monotheists are Zoroasters The surviving monotheists are Hebrews
Migration to Egypt The Hebrew’s moved to Egypt Possibly due to famine In Egypt they were given places of honor at first Eventually made slaves
Let My People Go! Moses led the Hebrew people out of Egypt He was born to a Hebrew mother and was hidden when Pharaoh ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed He was adopted by the Egyptian royal family He led the Hebrew’s out of Egypt and into the desert for 40 years
New Covenant
The Twelve Tribes
Kingdom of Israel King David King Solomon The Temple
Divided Kingdom Israel is the Northern Kingdom (10 Tribes) The Northern Tribes Disappear Lose all identity Judah in the South (2 Tribes) This is where we get the term Jews Never lose their identity
Assignment Turn to page 77 Read all three stories