X - 1 Nuclear Power Plant
X - 2 An old nuclear power plant in Slovakia not far from the Hungarian border has apparently developed safety problems Rumors are being passed that officials at the plant want to advise the nearby populace to be “prepared” to evacuate Evidence indicates that the Slovak government, because of its dependence on this plant, has concealed the problem from media and public attention Nuclear Power Plant
X - 3 Private reports reaching Budapest note a high security alert at the plant and tension in the surrounding villages –The plant in question has long been a source of tension between the governments of Hungary and Slovakia Panic sets in and the residents of the area are fleeing in every direction Nuclear Power Plant — cont’d
X - 4 A first wave of refugees has reached the Hungarian border Through official channels, Slovakia advises Hungary that the power plant is having “minor, functional problems” –Additional information will be provided should the situation become more serious Nuclear Power Plant — cont’d
X - 5 A German scientist just returning from a visit to the plant advises colleagues in Budapest that the situation is far more serious than reported by the Slovakian government –In his view, there is the possibility of an explosion and major atmospheric contamination Nuclear Power Plant — cont’d
X - 6 Inside Hungary, alarm is building –The press is covering the matter fully, in some cases using alarmist language –Hungarian border communities in the endangered region are in a state of near panic A steadily-increasing wave of refugees from Slovakia is overwhelming authorities in the border region –This situation is being made even more difficult as Hungarians are beginning to flee the region as well Nuclear Power Plant — cont’d