An Issue for Everybody (into the 21 st century and beyond)
Some Background… Who has access? How do we get it? Fossil Fuel (non-renewable ) sources Fossil Fuel (non-renewable ) sources Renewable sources Renewable sources Nuclear Nuclear Some interesting facts…
More background… Local linkages: Local linkages: Linda Keen and Nuclear safety Commission (re Chalk River Plant temporary closure)Linda Keen and Nuclear safety Commission (re Chalk River Plant temporary closure) Tidal power in Nova Scotia: sites considered for underwater turbines in the Bay of FundyTidal power in Nova Scotia: sites considered for underwater turbines in the Bay of Fundy Nova Scotia’s natural gasNova Scotia’s natural gas
Into the 21 st Century 1970s: Richardson 1970s: Richardson 1980s: Pike and Selby 1980s: Pike and Selby 1990s: Oxfam 1990s: Oxfam
In the “World Studies” Framework: 1970s Need the necessary background in order to evaluate, justify and synthesize (think of moving up Blooms’ ladder) Need the necessary background in order to evaluate, justify and synthesize (think of moving up Blooms’ ladder) Problems can be in terms of a “futures” perspective Problems can be in terms of a “futures” perspective Forces us to examine our values in terms of lifestyle choices (and others for whom there is no luxury of choice) Forces us to examine our values in terms of lifestyle choices (and others for whom there is no luxury of choice) Possible action: writing letters, fundraising, information pamphlets Possible action: writing letters, fundraising, information pamphlets
Pike & Selby’s 4 Dimensions (1980s)
Spatial: how do the choices we make about energy sources where we live affect other areas and peoples of the world? how do the choices we make about energy sources where we live affect other areas and peoples of the world?Issues: How does the issue of energy relate to other global issues? How does the issue of energy relate to other global issues? Ecosystems, pollution, land use, climate change, gender, peace and conflict, poverty, safetyEcosystems, pollution, land use, climate change, gender, peace and conflict, poverty, safety Important to see differing perspectivesImportant to see differing perspectives
Pike & Selby’s 4 Dimensions (1980s) Temporal: Past, present and future are linked (probable, possible, prefered) Past, present and future are linked (probable, possible, prefered) How do the energy choices we have made in the past affect the choices we must make now? How do the energy choices we have made in the past affect the choices we must make now? What role has scientific knowledge and technology in the last century played in our choices for energy? What role has scientific knowledge and technology in the last century played in our choices for energy? Inner (human potential): “the medium is the message”… there is great opportunity for the teacher here “the medium is the message”… there is great opportunity for the teacher here **These four issues go hand in hand with Pike and Selby’s 5 aims for Global Education**
OXFAM (1990s) A Curriculum for Global Education Knowledge and Understanding Skills Values and attitudes Sustainable Development Diversity Globalisation and Interdependence Social Justice & Equity Peace and Conflict Critical thinking Ability to argue effectively Cooperation and conflict resolution Ability to challenge injustice and inequalities Empathy Sense of Identity and Self-Esteem Belief that people can make a difference Concern for the environment Commitment to social justice and equity Value and respect for diversity
Infusion and Integration Infusion Possibilities: Math: graphing reserves of fuel, comparative energy usage, modeling exponential growth and decay Math: graphing reserves of fuel, comparative energy usage, modeling exponential growth and decay ELA: business letters re current issues ELA: business letters re current issues Science: nuclear energy background, energy and power calculations Science: nuclear energy background, energy and power calculations Integration Possibilities: Multidisciplinary unit on Energy (Elementary/ Middle School) Multidisciplinary unit on Energy (Elementary/ Middle School) Top-down planning required?Top-down planning required? Could involve a teacher-swap?Could involve a teacher-swap?
… and Beyond Global Energy network institute page. Has a wealth of resources for this and other global issues, including maps and articles Global Energy network institute page. Has a wealth of resources for this and other global issues, including maps and articles A site I used this and last term to read up on the basics of many global topics. It is a personal webpage maintained by a computer science graduate who is concerned with a variety of rights, environmental and other world issues. Certainly not a good “single source” but a good “jumping off” point. A site I used this and last term to read up on the basics of many global topics. It is a personal webpage maintained by a computer science graduate who is concerned with a variety of rights, environmental and other world issues. Certainly not a good “single source” but a good “jumping off” point. Visit this site for information on a CBC documentary about oil pipelines through central Asia Visit this site for information on a CBC documentary about oil pipelines through central Asia Information for educators on the CANDU nuclear power system Information for educators on the CANDU nuclear power system Hicks, David. “Thirty Years of Global Education: a reminder of key principles and precedents”. Educational Review, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2003, pp Hicks, David. “Thirty Years of Global Education: a reminder of key principles and precedents”. Educational Review, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2003, pp Pike, Graham and Davied Selby. In the Golbal Classroom 2. Pippin Publishing, Toronto, 2000, pp Pike, Graham and Davied Selby. In the Golbal Classroom 2. Pippin Publishing, Toronto, 2000, pp