When DRM Meets Restricted Multicast A Content Encryption Key Scheme for Restricted Multicast and DRM Min FENG and Bin ZHU Microsoft Research Asia
Outline Introduction Two straight-forward solutions Our solution Conclusion
Scenario Restricted multicast/broadcast ̵ Content is encrypted with symmetric encryption ̵ Users may want to save encrypted multicast/broadcast content locally for replay Premium content stored at client side should be DRM protected to prevent unauthorized usage How to combine DRM with restricted multicast/broadcast?
Challenges Encryption is designed differently for restricted multicast/broadcast and DRM ̵ Restricted multicast/broadcast Content encryption keys sent to a privileged group of users Rekey whenever membership changes ̵ DRM A single key is typically used to encrypt a file to simplify key management and delivery It is difficulty to integrate the two encryption systems into one
Straightforward Solution: Direct Recording Scheme ̵ Save encrypted multicast content directly ̵ Get all the encryption keys associated to the saved content from license server before playing Strength ̵ No extra operations needed to save content Weakness ̵ Complex key management – all multicast content encryption keys are maintained at license server ̵ Many keys may need to be delivered in a license to a client
Straightforward Solution: Transcryption Scheme ̵ Transcrypt the encrypted multicast content into DRM- encrypted content in saving to local files ̵ One simple key is transferred in the license before playing Strength ̵ One single key is in a license ̵ Key management can be simply Weakness ̵ Additional secure module – content packaging ̵ Additional operations during recording
Question Is it possible to design a key scheme for multicast such that the DRM has the advantages of both schemes? ̵ Saving multicast content directly to local files ̵ Simple DRM key management and delivery The answer is yes – An integrated content encryption key scheme proposed here
Goals of Our Project Combining advantages of both straightforward methods With the knowledge of all used keys, a hacker cannot derive the next key Control is exact: Only the requested content can be decrypted Secure against collusion and other attacks
Main Ideas in Our Solution Content encryption keys ̵ Related to each other ̵ Generated with some master secret A “seed” secret corresponding to saved content can be generated Content decryption keys can be regenerated from the “seed” secret “Seed” secret cannot derive the master secret or other content encryption keys
Our Solution – Setup n = pq, p and q are two large secret prime numbers P – a large collection of prime numbers s – a random number in (1, n) and co-prime to n A selection scheme to select numbers from P sequentially that are co-prime to and selection scheme are master secret
Our Solution – Multicast The first content encryption key is The k-th content encryption key: Selected prime number is sent to clients with the content encrypted with
Our Solution – Recording Def. Encryption block or block means a block of data encrypted with the same content encryption key in multicast – i-th block encrypted with the key Saved content and corresponding primes to be replayed directly to a local file ̵ { } & { } (i<I), I is an arbitrary set of indexes.
Our Solution – Replay Acquire a single key for saved content, where For any block in the saved file, its decryption key is derived as:
Our Solution – Security We have proved: ̵ The seed key in the license can derive only the keys corresponding to saved content and vice versa ̵ Collusion attacks cannot deduce any new keys that they have already had We can prove our scheme is equivalent to Strong RSA Assumption
Our Solution – Strength & Weakness Strength ̵ Saving multicast content directly ̵ Easy key management and one single key in a license for an arbitrarily saved blocks (no need to be indexed consecutively) ̵ Easy merging and deleting contents – Only a new seed key is delivered in a new license ̵ Secure Weakness ̵ Computation complexity ̵ Set of prime numbers may run out and reset of parameters such as s is then needed.
Conclusion We addressed problem to protect with DRM recorded content from restricted multicast/broadcast We proposed a novel multicast content encryption key scheme to facilitate subsequent DRM operations Our solution is secure and makes recording and DRM key management/delivery very simple