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to provide a hydrologic unit layeris needed National Geo-spatial Framework The Solution Non-politically biased Hydrologically sound consisting of Common reporting units Detailed Non-politically biased Hydrologically sound consisting of Common reporting units Detailed National addressing system that is a
Super text Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Development Status
Super text Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Development Status
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Development Status Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water
Super text Components Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Watershed Boundaries (WBD) Land Surface (NED & EDNA) National Stream Network (NHD) and the Topography that dictates coupled with a A standard set of the flow of Water across the
Super text Components Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Watershed Boundaries (WBD) Land Surface (NED & EDNA) National Stream Network (NHD) and the Topography that dictates A standard set of the flow of Water across the Watershed Boundaries (WBD) National Stream Network (NHD) Land Surface (NED & EDNA) coupled with a
Super text Development Status Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water
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Development Status Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water
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Partners with the states U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Bureau of Reclamation USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services U.S. Corps of Engineers U.S. Forest Service U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tribal Governments State Agencies National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Local Agencies U.S. Bureau of Land Management U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Bureau of Reclamation USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services U.S. Corps of Engineers U.S. Forest Service U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tribal Governments State Agencies National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Local Agencies U.S. Bureau of Land Management Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water
Super text Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Development Status Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project Vision Components Sponsors Partners Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Project
Super text Component Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Seamless Hierarchical Integrated Consistent coding/attribution scheme Seamless Hierarchical Integrated Consistent coding/attribution scheme Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Multi-Agency effort to create a National set of hydrologic units that are
Super text To Improve Data Access To Augment Data Provision To Encourage Interactive Data Mapping To Simplify Data Analysis To Stimulate the Generation of Predictive Modeling Tools To Improve Data Access To Augment Data Provision To Encourage Interactive Data Mapping To Simplify Data Analysis To Stimulate the Generation of Predictive Modeling Tools We Require Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Standardized, Hierarchical Reporting Units
Super text The Drivers The WBD is a necessary conceptual framework for any watershed management work There is a great demand for the WBD by all levels of government Once completed it will be a component of a suite of Base Decision Support Layers that: –Can be vertically and horizontally integrated The WBD is a necessary conceptual framework for any watershed management work There is a great demand for the WBD by all levels of government Once completed it will be a component of a suite of Base Decision Support Layers that: –Can be vertically and horizontally integrated Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD)
Super text The Drivers The WBD is a necessary conceptual framework for any watershed management work There is a great demand for the WBD by all levels of government Once completed it will be a component of a suite of Base Decision Support Layers that: –Can be vertically and horizontally integrated The WBD is a necessary conceptual framework for any watershed management work There is a great demand for the WBD by all levels of government Once completed it will be a component of a suite of Base Decision Support Layers that: –Can be vertically and horizontally integrated Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD)
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5 th and 6 th level for 12 states or territories have been certified 5 th level for all states and territories to be certified by spring of 2006 6 th level for all states and territories to be certified by the end of calendar year 2006 National Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Completion Status and Outlook WBD website Website to download WBD – Geospatial Data Gateway
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The Opportunity East Coast WBD < $150,000 plus Minnesota WBD = $150,00 equals complete Great Lakes $300,000 by the end of FY 06 East Coast WBD < $150,000 plus Minnesota WBD = $150,00 equals complete Great Lakes $300,000 by the end of FY 06
Super text Agency support is highly variable Delineation methods vary state to state Addressing cooperators needs to preserve existing watershed boundaries Inconsistent funding Edge-matching Challenges
Super text Agency A will … by [date] Agency B will … by [date] Etc. Call to Action! (With Audience Participation) Conclusion Opportunity for Partnership
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What is required Delineate to the 30 foot contour, (can use toe of shore face) Keep bays together as a classic, if possible Delineate to 10 foot contour in estuaries and bays Take classic watersheds in bay to 10 foot contour Delineate to the 30 foot contour, (can use toe of shore face) Keep bays together as a classic, if possible Delineate to 10 foot contour in estuaries and bays Take classic watersheds in bay to 10 foot contour Will bathymetry be addressed??
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